Photography Blogs & Tutorials

For many of us, pets are such a vital part of our lives that we love them like our own flesh and blood, sometimes more! Its only natural that we should want to capture them on camera and hold their memory close to our hearts. The problem is that taking great pet photos can be tricky, especially when the animal is a single-minded cat.

If youre reading this, chances are you have a cat or two of your own, or... more

We photographers tend to avoid night photography. Sure, there are some who seem to specialize in it, but most of us stick to daylight hours.

Historically, there were good reasons for this. Night photography was hard. You couldn’t see what you were doing because there were no LCD screens on camera. Every mistake cost you money in the form of film and processing. Even when digital cameras came on the scene, the low light performance in most cameras was so atrocious... more

We photographers tend to avoid night photography. Sure, there are some who seem to specialize in it, but most of us stick to daylight hours.

Historically, there were good reasons for this. Night photography was hard. You couldn’t see what you were doing because there were no LCD screens on camera. Every mistake cost you money in the form of film and processing. Even when digital cameras came on the scene, the low light performance in most cameras was so atrocious... more

We all love to admire landscapes and cityscapes. The moment we witness the beauty of nature we instantly take out our camera and start clicking photos. If you are travelling with a tripod you would most probably be using it to take photos in low light conditions or to capture creative long exposure shots.

Shooting with your camera mounted on a tripod might seem easy and a quick fix, but it is... more

We all love to admire landscapes and cityscapes. The moment we witness the beauty of nature we instantly take out our camera and start clicking photos. If you are travelling with a tripod you would most probably be using it to take photos in low light conditions or to capture creative long exposure shots.

Shooting with your camera mounted on a tripod might seem easy and a quick fix, but it is... more

Well, of course, it won’t be just one type of light, you will also have a bare flash to play with. But if you can only have one modifier, I would say get a bigoctabox. But first, let’s define the octabox or as photographers fondly call her, the Octa. The Octa is (usually) a fairly […]

The post If you can only have one light, strongly consider a big octabox appeared... more

Photography wouldn’t be possible without light, and where there is light – there are shadows. Creative Belgian artist Vincent Bal chases shadows and turns them into something unique. With some everyday objects, a few doodles and a camera, Vincent gives life to shadows and turns them into super-fun photos like youve never seen before. Vincent […]

The post ... more

As creative professionals, we all spend a lot of time and effort on social media to promote our brands and get our work out there. I personally contribute to Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and 500px. However, after a recent spike of ghost account followers and image views on my 500px account, I have been trying to […]

The post The Value of Social Media Followers: Does It Matter If... more

Or – “A reminder of this social network origins” Its 2017 and Instagram is now 600 million users strong, thats a lot of new images/videos and stories each day. An effervescent but non-curated activity. Besides all the personal accounts and brands, there are a few magazines. Some of them revolve around the third art: photography. […]

The post 15... more

The Oscars 2017 is just around the corner, so Ive spent a couple of nights last week trying to make up for the nominated movies I havent seen. Generally, if I like the movie and the actors performance, I often wish to learn something more about them after the movie is over. This is how […]

The post They love camera, and camera loves them: these 10 great actors... more
