Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Good street photography can sometimes look deceptively easy to do yourself. All you have to do is be in the right place at the right time, get a little lucky, and bam – you have an incredible, one-of-a-kind photograph.

However, the reality is much more difficult than that, and its something that can surprise photographers when they try it. Suddenly, everything is moving so fast. You look around, but you dont actually see any amazing moments. Then when you do capture... more

Are we too old to play with toys? Not necessarily. When you are an adult, you can still find pleasure in playing with toys and create whole new worlds with them. And this is exactly what photographer Pter Cskvri does. He uses mini figurines to create dioramas and capture his own imaginary worlds in a […]

The post This photographer create his own tiny worlds with... more

There is no doubt that Kino Flo produce some very good lights. But they’re not exactly easy on the wallet. Sure, you can go out and buy several fluorescent tube fittings and try to build your own that way. But, like any fluorescent light, including the Kino Flos, they’re not always the most colour accurate. […]

The post Build your own DIY Kino Flo style lights... more

We’ve already seen that boyfriends can be very dedicated to taking the best photo for their girlfriends’ Instagram profiles. These photos mainly cover holidays, and even more often some everyday events. But what happens when the moment should involve only the couple, such as engagement? Does this once-in-a-lifetime event (hopefully) get buried under the search […]

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When it comes to setting up flash for a portrait, one might usually grab a big octabox or beauty dish. Normally, we wouldn’t consider something like a strip softbox. Strip softboxes are typically relegated to rim light duties. But they can also be extremely effective as a main light source. In this Profoto Tiny Talk, […]

The post How to use gridded strip softboxes as your... more

This year, the legendary Leica camera turns 100. Exactly 100 years ago, Oskar Barnacks workshop journal listed Liliput camera for cine film completed. And this camera shaped the history of the 20th-century photography. Leicas birthday celebration includes a range of content. It starts with the video about the history of Leica and its inventor Oskar […]

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Telling a story with our work can often be one of the most challenging things we face as creatives. But it’s also one of the most important. Whether it’s a drawing, a photograph or a film, having your work tell a story gives it meaning. It speaks to the viewer in a way that they […]

The post Learn how to tell a story in your work with this free “Pixar in a... more

It seems another controversial wall may be getting ready to be built. In France, this time. In a $20 million project, the French government plans to construct an 8.2ft high bulletproof glass wall around the base of the Eiffel Tower. The primary goal is to increase protection against potential terrorism, but it’s been harshly criticised […]

The post This is your last... more

Do you find yourself lacking inspiration? Without new ideas? Or just unsatisfied with your average looking images? Pablo Picasso – the famous and talented artist – once said, Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working. This exercise is designed to help you achieve exactly that, and awaken your creativity.

An old English proverb says, An apple a day keeps the doctor away. So following this principle I came up with a routine for your photographic health. Something to... more

There’s hardly a wedding without a photographer and a videographer. If these two are not from the same studio, there may be some disagreements, tension, and pressure. They both aim at getting the perfect shot or footage, and its important that they work together, and not against each other. In this video from Adorama TV, […]

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