Photography Blogs & Tutorials

You’ve seen many photographers switching from DSLR to mirrorless. Manny Ortiz did the same thing and switched to this system completely. After shooting with Sony mirrorless camera for a year, he gives an honest review of the system. He is very satisfied with it, and as you know, he makes awesome photos. But, he speaks […]

The post I switched form Canon to Sony a year ago.... more

Even if you’re trying to be as rock steady as possible with your footage, the camera almost inevitably moves in a way you hadn’t counted on. Sometimes you’ll just shoot it again, but there may be no opportunity for that. You might not even know there’s a problem until you’re back home reviewing the footage. […]

The post How to... more

Photographing light bulbs is a long established photographic technical exercise. They present pretty much every lighting problem a photographer can face. You have to deal with reflections, refractions, surface brightness, and even illumination from within the bulb itself. Brazilian Photographer Alexandre Watanabe decided to take the familiar light bulb a step further this time, though. […]

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Most of us shootportraits with bokeh behind the subject. But what if we reverse the position of lights and the model? In this video, photographer Mark Wallace shoots portraits with front bokeh to create more playful indoor portraits. All you need is a camera, a model and a string of Christmas lights. It’s a simple […]

The post How to make more interesting portraits using... more

So, you’re into photography, and you’d like to start shooting videos, too. You already know your DSLR or mirrorless camera as a photographer, and it is certainly a good start. But there are plenty of new things to pay attention to, as well as the old ones that you’ll need to do differently. In this […]

The post 6 useful tips for photographers who want to... more

Water is one of the most versatile subjects one can photograph. The very nature of water, though, means that it’s wet, so it can be messy and potentially dangerous. Working with it to shoot portraits in a home studio especially so. It’s not impossible, though. You just need to plan ahead, prepare properly, and perhaps […]

The post How to shoot wet portraits... more

Thinking of buying a new lens, but not sure which one you’d like? There’s a new fun website called What the Lens, and it helps you choose the lens based on the photos you like. After the fun website that helps you find your film soulmate, this one pairs you and your camera with the […]

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This article will walk you through some tips for how to set up a basic portrait post-processing workflow that can help you save time and stay organized.

The problem

When you’re new to photography, everything is exciting. Every time you come home with a full memory card, it’s a mad rush to the computer to see what you have captured. You’re eager to see every image and each one is treated as a separate entity with every technique you’ve come across. This is great.... more

If you like listening high-quality podcast about photography, theres a real treat for you on RGGEDU. Gary MartinandRob Grimm talk with some of the most talented and famous photographers of today. There will be four seasons in total, and Season 1 is ready for free downloador streaming. Rob and Gary sat down to chat with […]

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I know, I get it, you’re sick of all the “why I switched” posts, already. But, photographer Francisco Hernandez has some pretty compelling reasons for his switch from the Canon 6D to the Sony A7RII. Of course, the reason why anybody switches to or even initially chooses a particular brand or body are often personal […]

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