Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Tone Curve is one of the essential tools in photo editing. However, it may not be easy to understand how it actually works. This video shows exactly this – what logic stands behind the Tone Curve, how they work, and what you should and shouldn’t do with them. If you are new to Tone Curve […]

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The quality of news and information that we are constantly exposed to has a huge impact on the course of our civilization. They can affect our psychological and physical states and shape our future. I have a question for us photojournalists and content creators and for the media that select and distribute our content: where […]

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It might sound like a provocation but it is not. You should notice the little difference. I am not asking if youhave gotthe brainsfor street photography. I am asking if youhave gotthe brainfor it. The single s in brain(s) is the difference. A huge difference. Asking if youhave gotthe brainsfor it is asking if you […]

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So far we’ve given you plenty of interesting ways for creating tilt-shift effect. You can use a lens to do itor even use Photoshop or Lightroom. In this tutorial, Mathieu Stern gives you a quick and easy tutorial for turning vintage Helios lenses into tilt-shift with some DIY magic. And the best of all is […]

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This kinda reminds me a little of the Ferrari branded Hasselblad.A brand jumping into another completely different industry for no apparent reason. Except that this doesn’t just seem like a fancy paint job for a pre-existing product. Porsche Design have teamed up with Intel, Microsoft and Quanta Computer to launch the first of what they […]

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Despite the proliferation of sliders, motorised ones are still quite expensive. Without motors, they’ve dropped to ridiculously low prices. But it’s really not that difficult or expensive to convert a standard manual slider into a motorised one. This video from Max Maker demonstrates how to turn a very inexpensive slider into a more practical and […]

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2016 wasn’t exactly the best year ever, and it appears it was also pretty bad for photography. LensVid has issued a report on the camera industry facts from 2009 to 2016. When you compare camera manufacturing, sales, and shipment, you will get pretty unexpected and drastic differences. 2016 seems to be the worst year for […]

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I initially refused to believe it when this photo came across my feed. My eyes aren’t broken! I can see they’re strawberries, and they’re definitely red. They have to be trolling us with this image, right? I immediately took it into Photoshop and used my color picker because I just had to prove myself that […]

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Looking for ways to spice up your landscape photography? Travel and landscape photographer Toma Bonciu gives you 5 simple hacks in only 100 seconds. You need a tripod, some ND filters, a camera remote and willingness to change your point of view. 1. Long exposures in unusual places Place the camera on a tripod and […]

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there plenty of ways to achieve the lighting you want or use the one you have. In this video from Derrel Ho-Shing, you’ll see differences between three different light sources and setups. He’s shooting the model using natural light, a flash, and high speed sync. Same model, same location, same time of day – yet […]

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