Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Instagram will soon show the newest feature, in anattempt to resolve the issue of sensitive content. A few days from now, what people report as the sensitive post will appear blurred and youll have to manually uncover it by tapping it. It seems useful, but there are some points to discuss. Will this raise the […]

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We enjoy presenting you with creative photographers who shoot miniatures, make stuff on the budget, or take realistic photos of miniatures. Indian photographer Vatsal Kataria combines all three! First of all, he uses some cheap materials to build surroundings for his miniature photos. Then, he takes miniature photos that look as if they were made […]

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  In video and film production, timecode is the glue that binds all your footage and audio together. It means thatin multicam shoots all cameras are shoot the same moment in time for each frame. It also means that audio syncs perfectly with every camera. And it makes editing a whole lot easier, too. With […]

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Has it happened to you that you arrive on location for landscape shots and realize you forgot to do or bring something? Landscape photographer Toma Bonciu has created a checklist of things you mustnt forget if you are into landscape photography. Where I come from, we have the expression: A smart man writes it down; […]

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According to the reviews, DJI Mavic Pro takes a pretty high rank. Designer and Creative Entrepreneur Roberto Blake bought one, and hes among those who love it. But, he points out that there are still some things you need to know before making the final decision. No matter how amazing DJI Mavic Pro is, you […]

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Photoshop has received a bit of a backlash over the last few years about its use in advertising.But, it’s not really Adobe’s fault. Photoshop is just a tool. It’s like blaming Ford because you took a wrong turn down a one way street. But, the criticism has made a lot of companies sit up and […]

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I finally found the perfect camera, This camera does everything you could ever need or dream of. From capturing the perfect frame and exposure to developing your skill and photographic eye. Im not talking about a video or multiple purpose camera that does it all. Im talking about the perfect stills camera. A camera that […]

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Water droplets can be a great photographic subject. Sometimes, it feels like you can see a whole new universe inside of them. Serbian photographer Dusan Stojancevic recently used droplet photography to create something unique – portraits of people. As a part of a collaboration with WaterAid, he marked World Water Day by capturing portraits of […]

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This is something that I know my Pentax, Sigma and Panasonic shooting friends will be pleased with.Nine months after releasing the Cactus V6 II and Cactus V6 IIs, there’s new brand-specific firmware updates coming. These let you get HSS and TTL across different brands of camera and flash. Yes, that’s right, you’ll soon be able […]

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Who doesn’t love buying new gear? Building up your collection of photography equipment is a terribly expensive habit. If you’re used to buying items new, the world of buying used from strangers on the internet can be a bit intimidating. If you’re savvy, patient, and know where to look, you can save hundreds by buying […]

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