Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Some types of lens filters can be pretty expensive, and when were on the budget, its time to go DIY. Ryan Connolly from Film Riot shows us some of the cheap and easy filters you can make at home. They work for video, but for photography as well. You probably already have most of these […]

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I want to encourage you use your smartphone more for your photography. First of all, what is the point of photography? The purpose of photography is to uplift your soul. To make meaning in your life; not photos. Therefore, I believe that shooting with your smartphone is probably your best tool for photography. Why? […]

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As I begin this review I find myself searching for appropriate adjectives. A few that come to mind are sharp, crisp, beautiful, sleek, and sexy. Easily, any one of these could be used with confidence when describing a sports car or an extra tasty hot dog. But here, I feel the need to apply such words to what very well may be the most impressively performing lens Ive encountered in some time, perhaps ever. Before I get too ahead of myself, the one in question is the Sigma 24mm F1.4 DG HSM |... more

It’s good to keep moving forward and trying new things all the time. There are times when going back to an old photography location can be a great idea, though. Even if you have a stellar photo from that location it doesn’t mean you can’t get an equally good image that has different characteristics.

The easiest places to make return visits to are of course those local to you, but heading back to that far-off exotic destination is also rewarding. Let’s take a... more

Here comes the first 8K monitor at a staggering price of $5,000 or roughly 66 pixels/cent. This price point can only complete with theUP3218K crazy resolution of76804320 pixels. The monitor was announced in January at CES, and is now dubbed the “world’s first consumer 8K monitor”. Dell’sUP3218K boasts a 31.5 inch IPS panel, which put […]

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Over the last few weeks, we shared a series of videos covering almost everything there is to know about buying LEDs and creating some basic lighting setup with them. You can watch the series after the jump. What I’ve learned from this series is that there are waaaaytoo many factorsto consider when buying an LED […]

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we’ve heard about cases where using social media inadequatelycan you in “serious results” as my parentsused to say. But this is the first time I am hearing that liking an Instagram post got someone suspended. Actually, not just someone, but over 20 students fromBradford Preparatory School inCharlotte, NC. According toWCNC, an Instagram post referring a […]

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I first started photography almost 10 years ago, and I sometimes wonder where I would be if I knew what I know now, back at the start. I feel like I’ve learned the most important things about wildlife photography in the last 4-5 years, with the timeprior to that being spent juggling schoolwork alongside my hobby.

The hardest part about getting really good at something is at the start. It can feel impossible to take a decent imagewhen you’re comparing yourself to the... more

You may have spent months planning a wedding with your client. After countless emails, meetings, and the actual wedding day itself; its time for the lengthiest part of your work to begin, the post-processing. Your wedding photography workflow is the part of the job that clients never see (and most never think about)after the event is over. Post-processing for digital photography starts from the moment you return to your home or office up until the clients receive their final images.

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When you think of lens aperture on your camera – do you think about exposure, or do you think about artistic interpretation? Yes, aperture is one third of the exposure equation (with shutter speed and ISO making up the other two variables), but your choice of aperture should primarily be an artistic choice. If you’re […]

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