Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Sometimes the landscape is just too big. Sometimes, just one image wont do the trick. Then it’s time to create a panorama!

Im fortunate to spend a lot of time in the grand landscapes of Alaska. But often, camera in hand, Ive stood there, unable to create the image I wanted. There was just too much going on, or things were happening in a way that just didnt match a typical single-image format. I was photographing along a gravel beach near Haines, Alaska this winter, while... more

There are plenty of ways to customize your camera. And this time, Im not talking about adding bling to it. This is something far more useful, and intended for Nikon shooters. Steve Perry goes through seven Nikon tricks for customizing the controls. They work on most Nikon cameras, and they will make your shooting faster, […]

The post 7 tricks to customize your Nikon... more

It’s been long awaited and long demanded, but C-Log is now officially coming to the Canon 5D Mark IV. It’s a firmware update, but not one you can do yourself. You’ll need to send your camera off to a Canon service centre, and hand over $99 to make it happen.While this isn’t going to make […]

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The announcement of the new Sony A9has created a lot of buzz. And indeed, this camera looks like a dream come true for all mirrorless shooters, especially for sports or wildlife photographers. If youve read the announcement and the review, you are familiar with the fact that it features a blackout-free 20fps continuous burst mode. […]

The post This is what 20 fps shooting looks like on Sony... more

Nature has lots to offer for landscape photographers. We love to shoot natures paintings. Storms, rainbows, tornadoes, lightning strikes: theyre all a gift from nature that we can play with as a landscape photographer. Volcanoes are one of them, too, especially when theyre erupting. I have been fascinated by volcanoes; they have been on my […]

The post How I planned and shot an... more

When it comes to DSLR and audio you really don’t want to use the microphone in your camera. It involves echo, directionality, mic quality, sound bouncing and more. The short version is that it just sounds crap. We compared three options for DSLR audio (four if you count the crappy in-camera sound) and we wanted […]

The post DSLR Audio: Aputure A.lav... more

Before you raise your torches and pitchforks, this is not another post about how focal length affects your subject, or whether you should zoom with your feet or not. Im sure youve already seen how changing focal length and/or distance changes perspective, but this video answers an important question what can you do with […]

The post How zooming with your lens and... more

Smartphone video often seems to get neglected. Even here on DIYP. We post a bit about smartphone photography, but little about shooting video with a phone. And it’s something many of us do, even if just for social media. Or, we shoot clips we shoot to edit on the computer alongside other footage. I’ve even […]

The post This is how you can edit video on a smartphone or tablet... more

A wedding photographer has to be prepared for pretty much anything. Big belly laughs, impromptu outbursts of song and bear hugs can happen at any moment. Not to mention that the light is constantly changing and you’ve got yourself a schedule to keep. Let’s just say weddings keep you on your toes.

That’s why it’s always worth planning ahead and being prepared. Weddings rarely take place in just one location and moving from indoors to outside, or from... more

No matter if you enjoy taking or just watching images of space, NASA has a treat for you. They have made their entire collection of images, sounds, and video available and publicly searchable online. Its 140,000 photos and other resources available for you to see, or even download and use it any way you like. […]

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