Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Between April 14 and 21, drone pilots were flying near Chengdu Shuangliu Airport in China. Their recklessness caused more than 100 flights to make unscheduled landings or returns, and these changes affected over 10,000 passengers. DJI, the worlds leading drone manufacturer, puts a bounty on the drone pilots. They offer up to 1 million yuan […]

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Watching nature documentaries like BBCs Planet Earth gives us an insight into the world of all kinds of animals. We feel that we get to know their world and the way they act in their habitats. But how exactly realistic these documentaries are? Simon Cade from DSLRguide discusses this topic in his video. Are we […]

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We’ve shown a few DIY lenses in the past, including a 3D printed lens. This one, though, really takes it to the extreme. Based on a Petzval design, Swedish camera makerMats Wernerssonbuilt the lens completely from scratch. But looking at the final product, you’d never know it. It looks like it came straight from a […]

The post This DIY 90mm f... more

Subject: Kota Wade

You just got booked for a marvelous portrait photo shoot out in a gorgeous natural landscape. You run out the door, with camera gear in tow. Then you arrive at the location, the fresh air filling your nose, the beautiful natural world flourishing all around. You meet with your lovely portrait subject. The sun is beating down on you from above. Then it hits you you forgot your reflector at home.

Or maybe you dont have a reflector, maybe... more

Japanese mobile phone carrier NTT Docomo Inc. has developed a drone that displays spherical images during flight, the first of this kind in the world. In the experimental flight, it displayed spherical images of the Earth or the companys logo. The drone has a frame with eight LED-embedded supports. They revolve around the frames axis […]

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One of the reasons I love shooting with Sigma camera bodies is the combination of the Foveon sensor that delivers great color and image detail with high quality and large aperture lenses like the Sigma 50-100mm f1.8 Art. that let me isolate a subject while turning the background into dreamy bokeh-filled canvas like this shot […]

The post A review of the... more

When we were kids, most of us played with Legos. Now, as grown-ups, we play with cameras. Dutch filmmaker Victor Bart brought the toys of his childhood and adulthood together: he created an impressive camera slider almost entirely out of Lego parts. The only things not made out of famous plastic bricks are the ball […]

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If you’re looking to get into product photography, one of the things you’ll probably need to learn how to shoot is a bottle. Whether you’re photographing drinks products or not, glass is a subject you need to know how to work with. What better way to learn than with a bottle of wine? After all, […]

The post How to photograph wine bottles with speedlights and a... more

  Its been a while since Sigma announced their entrance into the world of cinema. After releasing the two announced zoom lenses, now their full-frame cinema primes are also available for preorders. There will be five lenses in the FF High-Speed Prime line: 20mm, 24mm, 35mm, 50mm, and 85mm. All of the lenses have T1.5 […]

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Setting up a home studio in a small space isn’t always easy. That’s especially true if you need to use it as a regular room, too. You need something that’s easy to setup and break down. But, if you have a space with a nice window or access to continuous light sources, it’s pretty straight […]

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