Photography Blogs & Tutorials

In this article you will get some solid tips for planning and executing a sunset portrait session. Learn how to take the images that you and your subjects will love.

Plan ahead for a successful sunset portrait

Many photographers feel overwhelmed when they start photographing portraits, professionally or for fun.

Where should I shoot? How should I pose people? What lens should I use? What settings should I be using? When should I move them to/from a great spot? What should I... more

It feels a little odd to see that Autodesk are actually selling something for a change. Normally they seem to be acquiring companies and software like Monopoly property. And PIXLR isn’t really much of an exception to that. Autodesk acquired the popular photo editing appin 2011. Now, six years later, they’re selling it on to […]

The post Autodesk sells popular... more

For all those who want to start a food vlog, shoot food commercials or stock videos, this is a real treat. Filmora has released a series of videos to teach you everything about shooting cooking videos. From lighting to shooting tricks and different types of editing this series provides it all. Everything is explained […]

The post A delicious guide to lighting,... more

Ink floating in water is one of the most hypnotizing things to watch. Its a favorite subject of many photographers and videographers, and guys from Macro Room have raised it to a new level. They have created a video using a fish tank with water, some ink and a couple of objects. And they did […]

The post Its hard to believe this macro universe is not CGI appeared first on... more

I was on my stomach in the grassy tundra of the coastal plain of Alaskas Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. In front of me, some 10 meters away, a Pomerine Jaeger sat relaxed on the tundra. 50 meters beyond it, a small band of caribou, some 20 animals, grazed slowly across the landscape. The light was hot and bright, not ideal, but there was a story to be told here. The bird had flown in with the herd, as did two or three other Jaegers which still cruised about over the caribou. They were not... more

Understanding light is one of the main conditions for successfully illuminating our subjects in photography or videography. Matthew Rosen from KINETEK explains some basic principles of lighting, and how to apply them on different types of surfaces. Its explained in a simple way, with comprehensive examples, so it will be very useful and easy to […]

The post These 3 basic... more

Would you say you have a recognizable photographic style? Do you think its even important to have it? This is the topic Ive been thinking about a lot, and in his recent video, Joe Edelman gives some fantastic points about it. He discusses the importance of having your style in photography, as well as various […]

The post Is it important to have your photographic style, and how you can... more

Frustrating isn’t it? No matter what you do, some days you just don’t feel like a photographer. You feel like hanging up the camera for good because you ask yourself, what’s the point of it all? In other words, you feel sorry for yourself because you feel inadequate even calling yourself a photographer. Well, the good news is that you are not alone even if it seems that way.

Go on Facebook and Twitter and all you see are people showing you how great and happy... more

Do you recall Flag? The app that wanted to take your photos and print them for free, funded by advertising on the reverse of the photo? If you do remember it, its likely that you were one of its Kickstarter backers. If you dont, youre forgiven. January 2014, when Flag launched its first Kickstarter campaign, […]

The post Waving or drowning? What’s... more

Although photography is relativity new in terms of history, color still provides us with the opportunity to convey meaning and draw the eye.Monochromatic pallets take color photography to the next level.

From the origins of color photography, photographers have honed in on the emotional bond humans have with color. First used in prehistoric cave paintings, red ochreis one of the oldest pigments still in use. Blue was popular in Egypt and later in the medieval era to depict the delicate... more
