Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Finding good locations for photo shoots can be challenging, especially if it’s a nude shoot. You need to avoid the touristy spots, the families and dog walkers. You want to find somewhere new, and different. And what’s more different than a mountaintop overlooking the clouds? For Playboy model Jaylene Cook that mountaintop was the perfect […]

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Working for free has the biggest stigma on it. And for good reason, because if you don’t know how to work for free properly, you can be taken advantage of. When you work for free, you need to try and always put yourself in the best possible position to gain something from the work. Whether […]

The post These are the only three reasons to work for free appeared first on... more

From time to time, there are very interesting photography-related campaigns on Kickstarter. One of them is Illuminati, a wireless light and color meter for photography and filmmaking. It syncs with your smartphone to help you adjust the lights on set, measure white balance even in the trickiest situations and set your camera to take the […]

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Henri-Cartier Bresson is well-known for his use of a 50mm lens, a standard lens on a 35mm film camera. If its good enough for Henri, then I guess its good enough for most modern street and travel photographers. When I worked at EOS magazine (Canon) we published an article about a photographer who traveled to India with nothing but a standard 50mm f/1.2 lens. His photos were beautiful.

But what... more

I find landscape photography to be a fun but challenging subject. I just often feel let down that the image just doesn’t do justice to the location. Part of the problem I think is that I don’t think a photograph ever can ever really compete with the experience of actually being there. Although, it may […]

The post The dos and don’ts of landscape photography appeared first... more

Sharpening and the various techniques available to apply it are hotly debated topics. Everybody has their own favourite way of doing it, and they tend to stick with it. I certainly have mine. I’ve got 2 or 3 go-to methods I bounce between depending on the image in question. There are also techniques I don’t […]

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I recently had a few prints made from some medium format negatives. The prints are for a specific purpose so I wanted them to be of the highest quality possible, this meant taking them to a local specialist where the film was scanned with a Hasselblad Flextight X1. The Flextight is about the best quality […]

The post Calibrating your Epson v700 workflow with a $16,... more

Photographers rarely think twice when it comes to buying expensive camera bodies or high-end lenses, but often seem willing to skimp on a monitor. Why is that? In many cases, its because one monitor appears very much like another, especially when purchased over the internet, which is how many of us shop for such things.

This article will help you know what you should look for in a monitor, and show you how to interpret many of the tech specs youll see when shopping online. Not so long... more

To reallyunderstand light and see the shot before it happens is askill one can only gain throughexperience. Most of us can see good light when it’s staring us in the face, but predicting the future isn’t easy. It’s something we should all try to learn, though, especially if we plan to shoot any kind of […]

The post Anticipating the moment and seeing the shot before it... more

I needed a way to trigger a flash from an Electron app, but there wasn’t anything out there that suited my needs. At first I thought there would be a flash with a simple bluetooth interface, and there is. Unfortunately none of these flashes have a public API, and some even go to the trouble […]

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