Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Black is the new black. Low-key photography is a style where the main elements are darkness and negative space. Its an excellent way to create a certain mood or to use contrast to highlight a subject, such as an item, gaze, or outline. These dark images might suggest a dark mood loneliness or danger but they dont have to! Darkness can also be used to create a sense of safety or adventure, for instance.

You can create a low-key photograph in a variety of ways. It can be an... more

Yi 4K camera was announced as GoPro killer. Since then, they have issued a new and improved version, Yi 4K+, which is another model threatening to shadow GoPro with its price-quality ratio. YouTuber iPhonedo has released a video where he compared this action camera with its two rivals: GoPro Hero 5 Black and Sony FDR […]

The post Action cam in-depth review... more

National Geographic photos are a synonym for exceptional photography. In this video from Advancing Your Photography channel, you will learn how to achieve this kind of shots. Award-winning photographer Robert (Bob) Holmes teaches you how to master the techniques that will give your photos the National Geographic style. He shares some secrets of recognizing and […]

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So what exactly is composition in photography and why is it such a big deal?Composition is the wayyouintentionallyarrange or put together the visual elements in an image, in and around your subject. Thegoal is to catch the viewer’sinterest and keep it wanderingaround your photo.While some people have an innate ability to “see” and compose great images, it is a... more

A print or a photo shoot can be a great gift for Mothers Day. But photographers Benjamin Von Wong and Karen Alsop took it to a whole new level. They gave a quadriplegic mom a unique photo shoot and a chance to connect with her son through an adventure. Sarah Jay (SJ) Staszak used to […]

The post Photographer shoots a paralyzed mom. Hanging off a cliff. With... more

Mirrorless cameras and high-power speedlights have reduced the size of gear, just like they promised. But the softbox still remains the largest piece and takes up a lot of space. Vincent Palma and Vilhelm von Platen wanted to change this, so they created Sundisc. Its a light, compact and ultra-portable reversible softbox that fits in […]

The post Sundisc is a softbox that is totally flat... more

If you are not a professional and dont own your own studio, taking portraits (or self-portraits) at home is something youll most likely do. The Lighting Channel has already presented us with a short and fun video where they suggest ten ways of lighting yourself. In this one, youll get a great idea how to […]

The post How to make 3 point portrait lighting setup on a... more

Almost any sensor yields more interesting results if mounted on a moving platform. Rememberscanning thermometer? Its time to mount TOF LIDAR (Time Of Flight / Light Imaging, Detection, And Ranging) on two precision rotary stages arranged for pan and tilt operation. Rig provides real-time position data along with distance to an obstacle. Using simple math […]

The post 3D scanning like a pro appeared... more

Fotografa, foto, photograph…all ways of saying the same thing. But what is this thing that we all strive to become better at doing and in turn share with the world? There was a time not so long ago that the idea of producing a photograph involved a good bit of skill, patience, and hard work in darkrooms making prints.

The only way for one’s work to make its way in front of the eyes of someone else was for it to be printed. Today, the capability of communicating our images... more

Ever tried posing your family or other non-profriends for a photo. For some, it comes naturally, but for others, it may feel like an excruciating experience. Mango Street(previously) is here to the rescue. They share three basic (yet powerful) tips to help you pose and direct your friends. As usual, good photography starts with the […]

The post Three tips for posing your non... more
