Photography Blogs & Tutorials

I believe its hard to beat clichs when it comes to wedding photography. But Brazilian photographer Fernando Duque and witty bride Rebeca Brantes nailed it with Rebecas bridal photo shoot. She is a computer engineer surrounded by guy friends, so she couldnt gather a bunch of girlfriends for the shoot. But then she got an […]

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If you enjoy traveling, Im sure you also enjoy taking travel photos. And if you want to make a step further and start shooting videos, youll see there are plenty of new things to learn. This is why Filmora has another fantastic tutorial for you. In their latest series, theyve teamed up with filmmaker Justin […]

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Photography gave me a creative outlet in life, and I owe so much to it. It’s my form of escape and a way to relax. It pushes me to explore new places and it gets me out the door. I love it dearly.

That being said, there’s a lot about photography that annoys the heck out me, and here’s a list of everything I can’t stand. As a side note, I hope you don’t mind that I illustrate this article with some zen photography instead of pictures of the things that... more

There’s never really been any doubt that GoPro cameras are built pretty tough. Just how tough is often tested. But I never thought I’d hear about one actually stopping a bullet and potentially saving a life. Iraqi journalist Amma Alwaely probably never expected to be the one experiencing it, either, but that seems to have […]

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Every day I see the same question being posted across forums and social media. “What lens should I buy?”. The simple answer is “We’ve no idea”. We don’t know what kind of look you’re going for, or even what subject you’re shooting We also don’t know what lenses you already have, and why they’re not […]

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How much inspiration do you get from other senses to create your visual art? The latest episode of Canon Australias project The Lab tries to explore the connection of two senses vision and taste. Three photographers get together, and instead of using their eyes, they can only use taste to get inspired and create […]

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Have you ever thought that a sheet of aluminium foil can be used as a backdrop in order to create stunning bokeh effect? Before we start talking about El Bokeh Wall and how it can be achieved, let us first get to know what exactly the term bokeh means.

Assuming that you may not be aware, bokeh is a term which comes from a Japanese word “boke”, which means blur. You can capture a photo with the blur effect, which makes the background out of focus by shooting at smaller... more

Drones are becoming more and more popular and there is more competition on the market now. Phantom isn’t the only game in town anymore. But does the DJI Mavic match up?

DJI Mavic Pro Versus the Phantom Pro 4 – Drone Comparison

In this video, Colin Smith from PhotoshopCAFE shows you footage from each drone and a summary of his points. Each has their pros and cons, and ultimately it comes down to your needs.

Do you have a drone? Which one? What was the deciding... more

This Friday, federal appeals court in Washington D.C. decided that Federal Aviation Administration has no right to require hobbyists to register their camera drones and model aircraft. As SF Gate reports, this decision came after a drone hobbyist John Taylor filed a claim against the FAA in 2016. He claimed that they dont have the […]

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Seascape photography can be both incredibly rewarding and incredibly frustrating at the same time. The entire process of photographing seascapes is slightly different thanregularlandscape photography and there are a few extra factors you need to keep in mind.

Coming from inland Norway it wasn’t until I moved to Northern Spain that I really got a taste of photographing seascapes. It took a while for me to adapt and feel comfortable with waves crashing around me (I... more
