Photography Blogs & Tutorials

I find myself shooting from within cars, trains and other forms of transport quite regularly. When it comes to a car, you’ll be thankful to know I’m not the one doing the driving. And I wouldn’t suggest you try and of these things while you’re behind the wheel, either. Well, except perhaps hyperlapse where you […]

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Searching for camera gear on flea markets and online auctions is like a treasure hunt. And from time to time, some photographers get to find real gems. Photographer Mathieu Stern was the lucky winner this time, and he found his treasure in quite a nasty place. Covered with poop, in a box full of other […]

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It was a while ago now that I posted about using a single light to create a stunning beauty setup with only an additional reflector. At the time that article was shared and posted everywhere including all the big photo sites. In fact it seemed so popular at the time that the link I shared […]

The post How I made a quick and simple single light setup with colour appeared first... more

The South Wales Police confirmed this Tuesday that theyve arrested a man thanks to the automatic facial recognition technology (AFR). As they confirmed to Ars Technica, this was the first time AFR was used to perform an arrest, although it has been used for a while by the UK police forces. The officers used a […]

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This is an odd and unexpected bit of potential news. I say potential because at the moment it’s mostly a rumour. But it’s quite an interesting thought. Nikon has been struggling, there’s no two ways about it. In Nikon’s own financial report they cite an “extraordinary loss” of around 53 billion yen (~$485 million). This […]

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Professional photographers get all kinds of weird requests during their career. And just when you think youve heard everything, someone asks for a refund in case they get divorced. Yup, you read it right. A couple asked a photographer if he could add a clause that guarantees a refund in case they get divorced. A […]

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Using her photography and photo manipulation skills, photographer Karen Alsop created her version of a time travel. When her mother found a photo of Karens Great Great Great Grandmother and Great Great Grandmother, it made Karen wonder: what it would be like to meet her ancestors, sit down and talk to them? Even more, how […]

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There are certainfeatures most peoplewould expect to find in any camera bag, such as spacious areasfor holding gear, a shoulder strap, and pockets in and around the bag for carrying smaller items like memory cards, a flash, or even car keys. Judged by those standards, the... more

Photoshop is full of shortcuts and tricks. Even professionals discover something new from time to time, and get surprised how come they didnt know it before. Colin Smith from Photoshop Cafe shares seven tricks hidden in Photoshops interface, and some of them are hidden in a specific way: in plain sight. These features have been […]

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“Film is saved!” – Or at least that’s what it seemswhen you see the results of the Save Analog Cameras campaign. In a previous article, I talked about the initiative of Juho from Cameraventureswho wanted to draw a map of the Analog scene worldwide. The idea was to measure the global interest for Analog photography […]

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