Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Interest in food photography is on the rise thanks to platforms like Instagram and the ability to snap a quick photo of every meal thanks to smartphones. If you’re seeking to one-up your food photography game, you may not need much to make an impact. Keep the camera you have and don’t add any gear to your toolbox. Instead,adjust your perspective and add simple elements to make your dish more natural-looking.

Here are six tips for different food photography angles that you... more

One of the great things about Photoshop is that you can do almost everything in a variety of different ways. Blake Rudis of f64 Academy shows you how to enhance landscape photos using the Selective Color adjustment layer. Frankly, I dont know many people who enhance photos this way (including myself). So, I found this […]

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Many artists use Instagram to promote their work and even book sessions. However, there are probably even more teenagers who use this social network for presenting themselves the fake version of themselves. Anti-bullying organization Ditch the Label has explored the connection between social networks and bullying. In their Annual Bullying Survey 2017, they concluded […]

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They say the lines on a person’s face can tell a thousand stories. Getting the photo that tells those many stories is the holy grail of photography. So what can you do to create standout people photography, especially if you don’t already know the person?

The approach that every people photographer takes is different, but below are five questions that all most will have asked themselves. Each photographer may answer the questions differently and yet still produce amazing... more

A part of my childhood just died. Microsoft Paint was never the pinnacle of photo editing software. But there was a time when it was the most popular image application out there (because it’s all that most of us had access to). It’s the first form of painting or editing application many of us experienced […]

The post R.I.P. Microsoft Paint, 1985-2017 appeared first on... more

I’ve always said that I love street photography so much that I would die for it. However, I didn’t expect the Universe to call me out on it. Gettingthat one shotalmost got me killed once… HOW IT ALL HAPPENED… A few years ago, I was producing a street photography album in Seoul. The South-Korean capital […]

The post I almost got killed because of street... more

This could be the biggest indicator so far that Nikon are actually starting to take mirrorless seriously. Yes, they did mention recently that they plan to launch a mirrorless camera that can complete with medium-to-high end DSLRS. But talk is cheap. This new patent, though, makes things rather interesting. It also suggests that Nikon’s re-entry […]

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Light painting involves long exposure, and as we know, this is when you want everything to be perfectly still. So, in cases like this, the wind is definitely not the friendliest weather condition. The master of light painting Eric Par shows you how to deal even with the harshest wind when light painting with tubes. […]

The post Here is how to overcome wind when light painting appeared first... more

A recent post on Google products forum announces that YouTube Video Editor and Photo slideshows will be discontinued in September. Apparently, there were a limited number of users of these features. So, Google has decided to cancel them completely so they can focus on building new tools and improving on other existing features. When it […]

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A cornerstone in modern manufacturing, plastic is an amazing thing. Look around and you’ll see an abundance of plastic materials used in an endless variety of products. From pens to planes – yep, even modern commercial aircraft are cutting down on weight by introducing plastic composite components – plastic has revolutionized the way we live. And while much of the plastic we encounter is discarded after the first use – this photography tutorial will give you a good... more
