Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Photography has become so popular, mainly because of the inclusion of cameras on mobile phones, so it’s more difficult for your photos to be noticed. But, if you learn a little more about photography your photos will be more likely to stand out from the crowd.

Your life is full of gadgets and equipment that can be challenging to learn to use really well. Learning to use your camera will make your photography so much... more

Chrismas lights are usually in use for maybe six weeks out of the year. The other 44 weeks, they typically reside in a box in the attic or a cupboard under the stairs. It seems a bit of a waste to me. Whenphotographer Joe Edelman‘s wife informed him she was going to a “Christmas in […]

The post Use those Christmas lights during the summer to light beautiful... more

National culture and history are often an inspiration for artists. Polish photographer Marcin Nagraba creates work strongly inspired by the ancient culture of Slavic countries,the culture that existed before Christianity came. His hauntingly beautiful photos are inspired by heathen beliefs and rites our ancestors had centuries ago. Marcin works together with a talented costume artist […]

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This seems to be the new thing for camera manufacturers. They don’t just announce new cameras now, they announce than an announcement is coming. Or that a new camera is in development. Nikon just did it with the D850, and now Sony are doing it with a new 4K CineAlta motion picture camera. Sony have […]

The post Sony teases new full frame 4K RAW CineAlta camera... more

There’s a sale going on atBestBuy at the moment onWD easystore 8TB External USB 3.0hard drives. A massive discount which drops the price from $299.99 to $159.99. “What’s the big deal, though?” I hear you ask. “They’re just external USB drives”. Well, yes, but those USB boxes contain Western Digital RED (NAS) SATA drives which […]

The post This... more

Sydney artist Justine Varga recently won the $20,000 Olive Cotton Award for a portrait photo of her grandmother. Only, her work is not really a portrait, nor its a photo (at least not in conventional terms). In Justines work titled Maternal Line, the grandmother doesnt appear in the image at all. Instead, there are only […]

The post Photographer wins $20,... more

This Tuesday, the reporters of many major newspapers tried covering the healthcare protests on Capitol Hill. According to their tweets from the Senate Gallery, the police blocked them and tried forcing them to delete the photos. That day, almost 100 demonstrators were arrested for protesting against Trumpcare. As the journalists tried to cover the arrest, […]

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  As we recently reported, the U.S. has lifted the electronics ban due to the enhanced security measures. As it turns out, these measures involve the separate scan of all the electronics from your carry-on if its larger than a smartphone. If youre a photographer, this means youll have to put your camera into a […]

The post Is your camera bigger than a smartphone? TSA... more

Well, that didn’t take long, did it? After sort-of announcing the Nikon D850 only yesterday during the Nikon 100th anniversary celebrations, the first photos have leaked. Nikon Rumors have managed to get their hands on two of the press photos for the new body. They illustrate two fairly significant features. They were features we were […]

The post The first of the Nikon... more

Exposure compensation can be a tricky subject to wrap your head around. The biggest puzzle often being “why do we even need it? Isn’t it easier to just go into manual mode?”. Well, sure, it might be, but it’s not always possible. And sometimes the semi & fully automatic modes just make your shooting life […]

The post When, why and how to use exposure compensation... more
