Photography Blogs & Tutorials

In this article, I will share with you some tips about travel photography.

After spending a year doing travel photography in India, I discovered that it isn’t about traveling physically, it’s about making the viewer travel virtually to your images. Travel image need to have sense of place and time. You can achieve this by shooting in your own city, street, or neighborhood.

If I were from Delhi and shot some images of the Taj Mahal in Agra, or if I were from... more

Here is an interestingquestion. If a $50 Handycam can be compared to $50,000 RED, why not pitch a PanasonicGH5 against a GoPro? Youtuber biscuitsalivedid just that and has some interesting feedback on the resulting footage. While the GoPro will probably work in a pinch,biscuits lists three main areas where the GoPro can improve. I agree […]

The post How does the GH5 compare to a GoPro for... more

Most large modifiers come with two diffusers. A big one for the outer rim and a smaller one that fits between the source of light and the big diffuser, right in the middle of themodifier. Of course, this begs the question how may diffusion layers do you actually need. PhotographerFrancisco Joel Hernandez shares a short, […]

The post This short movie shows the... more

Concert photography is one of the hardest subjects to nail down for one main reason: the conditions almost always have low lighting and you aren’t allowed to use flash. With that said, there are some tips for optimizing your concert photography experience. Whether you’re equipped with a DSLR and a photo pass for a big arena show or simply shooting a local band in a pub or a school performance, use these tips to enhance your low lighting photography.

1. Choose a Low Lighting... more

Lightroom is a fantastic tool for organizing, editing, sharing, and even printing photos and is an essential tool in the workflow of many photographers today. Unfortunately, it sometimes gets a bad rap when compared to its big brother Photoshop since the latter can do far more in terms of altering, enhancing, changing, or otherwise editing pictures and images. That’s not to say it is a slouch by any means, and you might be surprised at what it can do when you start to learn to use more... more

Photoshop version 3.0 was the version that introduced me to Photoshop. It came out at the end of 1994, and I discovered it the following year while in college. I had no idea what I wanted to do with it at the time, but it was still amazing. I’d never seen anything like it, and […]

The post This was how you installed Photoshop 23 years ago appeared first on... more

Weve seen cameras tortured and destroyed in all kinds of ways: shot, smashed, and even chewed by ants. But it slowly melting due to the acetone fumes is somehow more elegant. The guys from YouTube channel Amazing Timelapse exposed a plastic Konica film camera to harsh acetone fumes. It turns out, the camera cant survive […]

The post Watch acetone fumes make this camera melt... more

These 19 images will get you started on the road to this week’s photography challenge to shoot some cars.

By Darlene Hildebrandt

Weekly Photography Challenge – Cars

This one shouldn’t be too hard to find a subject. There are cars pretty much everywhere. You may be thinking... more

When you carry a camera and take photos, awkward moments are inevitable from time to time. Whether youre a hobbyist or a pro, the camera seems to simply attract all kinds of weird situations. But, some of them repeat themselves more often than the others. Ive been into photography for about ten years, and these […]

The post The awkward moments of a photographers life appeared first on... more

It’s insane to think that hard drive space has gone from around $500,000 to as low as $0.03 per gigabyte in the last 36 years. It has, though. But that drop in price is slowing down. It has to. Even as recently as 8 years ago, drives were hitting under $0.10 per GB. Backblaze recently […]

The post Storage price per GB keeps dropping – unless you use 6TB... more
