Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Over the past four years as my wife and I have done more family photography we have learned quite a bit. Going through some of those early shots I’m sometimes amazed that anyone paid us money for them at all! Self-reflection is critical not just for photographers, but any artist and indeed anyone who wants to improve at a given skill over time. In thinking about what has worked and what hasn’t worked I... more

How to work in a free music video on set… when the client isn’t looking. Guys from Droptree Productions show you how they did it, and how they ended up with one of the most hilarious videos Ive seen this year. Droptree Productions is a commercial video production company located in Portland, Oregon. It took […]

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Have you ever found your photos flat? The colors are muted and it just looks dull? Thats because it lacks contrast. Sometimes regardless of your best exposure skills, the conditions are not suited to get a wide range of tones. Not to worry though, it can be fixed in post-processing. Ill show you my workflow for how you can take control of contrast in your images using Curves and Levels in Photoshop.

Of course, there are many ways to adjust the contrast on Photoshop, theres even a tool... more

We all have those nagging doubts when it comes to what we shoot. No matter how good others tell us we are or how amazing they believe our work is, we feel like frauds. We struggle constantly, whether it’s with ideas, budget, time, stress. And when you sit and think about it, there are more […]

The post This is why you should just give up and quit photography appeared first on... more

While I lived in my hometown, I visited and photographed most of the abandoned buildings in it. I knew exactly where I could enter and how. Sometimes, you can just walk right in. Other times, theres a guard you need to ask for permission and hope hes in a good mood. And sometimes you need […]

The post Tips for finding and shooting abandoned locations in an unknown city... more

Lighting is one of the most challenging aspects of photography and is often the thing which makes or breaks a photograph. Thereare several problems when you shoot with the built-in flash on your camera. The images appear washed out (overexposed), have red-eye, and many other issues. Using the built-in flash also creates harsh shadows, and gives you a rather flat-looking image.

External flashes, or speedlights, are photographic equipment which can be used to compensate for the pop-up... more

I would like to find who originally coined that phrase, get in a time machine, go back in time to when he/she was a tiny baby, and take them to an island to be raised by wolves so this sentiment would never make it into the world. Because as nice as it sounds, its simply […]

The post If you love what you do, youll never work a day in your life. FALSE. appeared first on... more

The Godox AD-B2 has been dreamt of ever since the AD200 was announced a few months ago. It wasn’t much of a stretch to assume Godox would release something like this given the H1200B extension head. The head lets you plug in a pair of AD600 lights to get 1200Ws of power. The AD-B2 essentially […]

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Lately, I have been feeling very burned out and unmotivated with my photography. Several months ago I was preparing for a summer away from my business. My days were spent photographing editorials, working on client images and writing photography articles to prepare for a three-month sabbatical. I was working non-stop for several weeks as well as managing other aspects of my life. All that hustle to be prepared seemed to have gotten the best of me. I was feeling completely unmotivated and... more

What happens when you bring together food and portrait photography, and add 16th-century painter as an inspiration? Polish photographer Anna Tokarska has created photos that combine exactly these elements in a series of surreal portraits made entirely of food. The series is entitled Arcimboldiana, and its a set of eight photographic pastiches inspired by […]

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