Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Nobody likes a grainy photo, right? The majority of the time we want less graininess. In the digital world, we see grain as the enemy. But is it really? Ill tell you now that grain isnt always bad. Ill go even further than that and say that grain can actually be something that adds to the strength of your photographs.

Film grain gets a bad rap because its often confused with digital noise. The two are, in fact, entirely different. In this article, I’ll talk about the difference... more

Photography is a lot of fun. For the most part its a solo pursuit where you are completely responsible for your own success or failure. But anyone can be a great photographer! Most people in the world are professional photographers now that phones are taking world class, billboard worthy images. If you want to stand […]

The post How to successfully fail at photography appeared first on... more

Not long after US Army banned DJI drones for cyber vulnerabilities, the leading drone manufacturer announced launching the new local data mode. It will allow users to fly without transferring data, in order to enhance security and data privacy. Although its not officially related to the US Armys decision, DJI Vice President of Policy and […]

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There’s two things you can be fairly sure of whenever Nikon or Canon release a new DSLR. The first is that you’ll need to wait for Adobe to update ACR/Lightroom to be able to read the raw files. The other is that some Sigma lenses will have compatibility issues, and need a firmware update. And […]

The post Sigma warns of issues with some Art and other lenses on... more

The standard frame rate is 24fps and its used for most types of videos. However, there are times when 24fps is not the way to go, but you should use higher or lower frame rate. In only three minutes, Ted Sim of Apurture shares eight scenarios when you shouldnt use 24fps for shooting videos. 1. […]

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Street photography is a scary enough prospect on its own for many people. But to actually approach random strangers on the street and ask if you can shoot their portrait? That fills many with a fear akin to walking the plan over shark infested seas. You have to really push yourself to get outside of […]

The post How to get over your fear of approaching and photographing... more

We post fairly regularly about various tricks for getting better photos with your phone. Rarely, though, is there a focus on video. Lately, though, it seems that video is a more common occurrence with our phones than stills. You don’t need a bunch of fancy expensive rigs and lenses to make the most of it, […]

The post 10 cheap tips and hacks to get better video with your phone... more

Over the past eight years of shooting weddings, I have slowly evolved in how I work. I believe thats normal for most photographers. Most will start as natural light photographers. I actually began a little ahead and was using one on-camera flash, bouncing it off of the ceiling. Next, I dabbled in some off-camera flash very lightly and steadily grew my skills over the years.

I will... more

Even when all repair services discard your camera or lens as irreparable, theres still a way to repair it. Mr. David Hilos can fix all the gear others cant (or wont). This 49-year-old Filipino based in Singapore is communications engineer, but he is also a hobbyist camera repairman who can save your gear no matter […]

The post This man repairs the cameras and lenses that no one else... more

This solar eclipse coming over the USA in a few days certainly has whipped people up into a frenzy. A buying frenzy, getting whatever they can to protect their eyes and their cameras from the sun’s potentially hazardous effects. It seems, though, that some customers might not be as well protected as they thought. Amazon […]

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