Photography Blogs & Tutorials

If you have decided to start making films, there is a list of items you need to have before you get started.Darious Brittshares a list of 12 things you absolutely need to get before you start shooting videos and films. If you are transitioning from photography to video, you already have some of these items. […]

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We can learn a lot about photography by observing and analyzing the works of the masters. Henri Cartier-Bresson is one of my favorite photographers of all times, the master of the decisive moment. Although he thought of photography as immediate reaction, he managed to combine prompt reaction with great composition. In his two-part video series, […]

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I can’t tell you how often I had to tell how I got to make this picture. This image was created for the semi-final of the Dutch Canon Grand Prix 2017, and I had lots of talks to people about it, before and afterwards. Let’s start at the beginning. Earlier this year I got an […]

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The artists who build and photograph miniature worlds never cease to amaze me with their skill, patience, and ideas. One of such artists is a German photographer and model builder Frank Kunert. He builds his miniature worlds from scratch, but the scenes he makes dont belong to the world we see with our eyes. His […]

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The “protective” filter debate rages on as always, but whether for them or against them, how do they all stack up? The folks over at Lens Rentals wanted to know. The man assigned to the task, Roger Cicala, didn’t really want to know, though. He’ll “get around to it some day”, he said. “Some day” […]

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This article is about how I think you can use social media network sites for your best benefit. I am suggesting there is one single thing which you should concentrate on that you can get there with just five steps.

As I have already suggested, I do recommend photography-centric social media networking sites. The one I have used most is Flickr, but I am not endorsing that particular site. Search “social media networks photography” (or similar), and almost any of the sites... more

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at this one. The HMS Queen Elizabeth (Ro8) is the Royal Navy’s largest warship. It’s brand new. It cost 3 billion ($3.9 billion) to build. It was only officially named last month, and it’s not even been formally commissioned yet. The HMS Queen Elizabeth began sea trials […]

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Today, Macphun announced the release of the latest version of their HDR creation software. Aurora HD 2018 will soon be available for preorders, and whats more for the first time, it will be available for PC, and not only for Mac. The software was co-developed with photographer Trey Ratcliff, with the goal of simplifying […]

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For a few years now, Ive had in my collection one very strange lens. I bought it primarily for its value as a collectible so, up until now, I havent really spent much time playing with it. Made in 1975, this manual focus Minolta MC Rokkor-X 40-80mm f/2.8 lens is one strange puppy. When it […]

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Whenever a new phone is released, a whole battery of non-scientific tests are performed for the benefit if YouTube viewers. One such test is the drop test. But drop tests get pretty boring, especially once the phone is in the hands of the masses. We see our friends drop them, or we drop them ourselves, […]

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