Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Cheat sheets are wonderful, especially if you’re actually taking a test. (I only speak from hearsay, of course…) But, they can also be invaluable when trying to maintain a speedy workflow within an application. With the recent release of the 2015 updated Adobe CC, it was only a matter of time until the keyboard shortcut [...]

The post 10 Adobe CC Shortcut Cheat... more

Travel photography is certainly one of the most rewarding experiences you, as animage-maker, can have. You get to combine visiting amazing places, learning about other cultures, and, of course, your passion for taking photos, all at once.

Piazza San Marco and Doge’s Palace with San Giorgio Maggiore behind – Venice, Italy

However, certain famous locations, or populated cities can be frustrating. You arrive there to find out they are always... more

Last week I made an article about How To Create the Perfect Outdoor Milk Splash, so this is the Part 2 of that article and how to do it indoors or inside the studio using a flash. What you will need A Camera A Speedlight (such as YN-560 II) Colored Gels (This pack from Rosco [...]

The post How To Create The Perfect Milk Splash In The Studio appeared first on... more

This past weekend I had the extreme pleasure* of attending my daughter’s second (she and I agree last) dance recital. In what can only be described as a three and a half hour long gong show featuring 56 acts – non stop – it was still an important accomplishment for her, so of course it [...]

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For many dog owners, the beloved companions are more than just a pet–they are a best friend, an equal part of the family. Ben Moon, a travelling surfer and photographer, documents that very connection in this incredibly touching video memoir to Denali–Moon’s dog who recently passed away after gifting the photographer a life of loving [...]

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If youve ever wondered how to improve the look of your portraits using only one speedlight, then make sure you read every single word on this page. It isnt so much the type or quality of the speedlight you are using; it is more about how you modify and shape the light, that will help you to improve the overall look of your portraits.

Lets break speedlight portrait lighting down into three simple action steps that are easy for you to follow:

Step 1: Get the speedlight off-... more

KelbyOne (parent company to Photoshop World) announced today two multi-payment plans for Photoshop World in Las Vegas. With the two-payment option, attendees will get a subscription to the Adobe Creative Cloud Photography annual plan. With the three-pay option, attendees will get a ticket to a Rock ‘n Roll After-Hours Party with the band, Rebel Soul.

Click on the links below for more info.

Before delving into the mysterious world of photography, I started my visual arts career in graphic design and marketing, both freelance and on-staff. One request I became accustomed towas extracting all kinds of objects and people from all kinds of backgrounds and surroundings. Apart from “Make it look awesome,” this seemed to be people’s favorite. [...]

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Lighting is hands-down one of the most important elements in visual production and has the power to single-handedly alter the mood and perception of an entire scene. On a more macro level, lighting position, more so than diffusion or tone,is probably the most vital aspect to control. Lighting affects our moods, distortsspace and time, and [...]

The post See How Lighting Position... more

Maybe it’s easy to distance ourselves from violent criminals. We see death row inmates on the tv, the newspaper, but, for the most part, we only know about them what the media is reporting.We don’t know for example, what books they’ve read or which movie is their favorite. Maybe we don’t need to know those [...]

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