Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The glaciers at Glacier National Park are rapidly shrinking. In fact, theyre melting so fast that the glaciers that can be seen today represent just one-sixth of the number of the icy bodies that were in the same park just 150 years ago. It is imperative that scientists measure glaciers and follow their changes, and [...]

The post Repeat Photography demonstrates how... more

How often do you get to interact with the universe? This 46 Gigapixel ‘panorama’ of the milky way, was made at theGerman university Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, and took half a decade to complete. . Actually, this image of the Milky Wayis so big that it had to be broken down into268 sections, each photographed over a [...]

The post A 46 Gigapixel Milkey Way ‘... more

Whenever you take a photo, no matter what the subject, it would be extremely unusual if it couldnt be improved in some way by making local adjustments in Lightroom.

Local adjustments affect part of the image. Whenever you carry out any processing action in Lightroom you are either making a local adjustment (only affects part of the image) or a global adjustment (affects the entire image).

If you have been following this series and trying out some of the techniques I wrote... more

The LED monitor on the back of a camera is most often used to review captured images. But heres a tip: Live View can also be a useful tool, helping you to focus your camera before taking the shot. In fact, Live View may be the most accurate means of focusing a camera. Lets take a look at six ways you might use Live View to focus.

1 – Focus Stacking

Use Live View to focus at different distances for focus stacking.

Focus Stacking is similar in principle... more

  Look how purple and shiny I am SOOL: straight out of laptop. I am at my cabin sitting at my laptop. I just showered, dried my hair, threw on a sweater and sat down to write this article. You will notice that I worked to get those light flares over my head and behind [...]

The post Is Photoshop a Villain? Thoughts from a Photographer appeared first on... more

Concert photography is a community within itself, where you often end up seeing some of the same photographers at many events. Though most photographers may often work solo, you can create an environment of mutual respect that benefits everyone. Why Do I Have to Follow Etiquette? At a concert, the crowd can get pretty rowdy, [...]

The post How Not to Be an Ass: Music &... more

What a fun way to learn Photoshop test your Photoshop skills. Adobe has created an Escape Room style mystery,where you need to need to assist a crew of a spaceship to return to earth. Here is the adobe connection though. Instead of solving math or click to find puzzles, you will need to work through [...]

The post Are Your Photoshop Skills Enough To Save... more

There may not be a more challenging subject matter for photographers than astrophotography. When I first began making photographs, I had an elusive and challenging goal which was to make a photograph of the moon.

13 years later (has it really been that long?) I think back and smile at how impossible capturing that photograph of the night sky seemed to me at the time. Back then, the idea of making an... more

You know that old saying, “Take nothing but pictures, Leave nothing but footprints, Kill nothing but time”, it is the motto ofBaltimore Grotto (caving society) and something most nature photographers live by. It shows both respect for nature and respect for fellow photographer. What is the opposite of this motto? Singaporean magazine Mothership reports that [...]

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Sony, is not waiting to see who will win the sensor wars, it is defining the battlefield. With rumors of new technologies being around for a while now, Sony recently released two videos showing what’s in store for their future line of sensor technology. Specifically, Sony demoedStarvis – an ultra low light technology designed for [...]

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