Photography Blogs & Tutorials

If youre a photo-fanatic, there is a lot to keep up with. New camera models are being announced way too often, firmware updates, fancy new lenses keep popping up, and on and on.

I didnt even mention software yet but now that I have, lets see whats new with our old pal Lightroom (LR) and its latest upgrade.

Since this is the default program that youre likely to find running on almost... more

Blood is crucial to movies. And it is not just the gore-filled, army oriented, zombie killing movies. Every time someone get hit and need to bleed a bit, there is the issue of where blood comes from. Of course, you can not use real blood. There are moral and ethical issues with that. Not to [...]

The post This Is How To Make Fake Blood And How It’s Been... more

I have always had a soft spot for 1940s and 50s Film Noir, where there is always a gorgeous Femme Fatale, whose charms are most likely going to get you killed. The light in those movies is the key to the ambience of mystery and danger, and I love the way the scenes are composed with smoke, shadows, and the black and white high drama with dim light aesthetic.

These movies were mostly low-budget productions shot on location in city streets, with an abundance of night scenes, where crime... more

Im going to ask you to put your camera down for now. I know its a lot to ask, but the secret Ive discovered to better portrait photography has, in fact, very little to do with your camera.

One of the most common mistakes budding portrait photographers make is to be so focused on getting the technical aspects right, they completely forget about the most important feature of a portrait – the person standing in front of their lens.

Im not saying that your camera and... more

I’ve generally been a natural light photographer. I understand natural light and love its variability. Normally it’s enough to get some beautiful photographs; many photographers stop here and go no further.

Constantly critical of my own photographs, I realized that I was at the mercy of natural light, searching and modifying, but rarely creating or directing. That’s why I chose to learn how to use flash those years ago. To get full control, it’s essential to put... more

Nobody likes having their creative content stolen, and everybody wants to be paid for their work. While file sharing has altered the power dynamic of the music industry – the music industry did successfully blow up Napster (if you’re under 30 you probably don’t recognize the name Napster – but its rise and fall was [...]

The post Could... more

As the year cycles, each month has some flora that reaches its peak. It would be interesting to looks at a year as a sum of each month’s ripened fruits and vegetables. And this is what photographers Caitlin Levin and Henry Hargreavesdid. Theyscanned the ripe fruits of each month an created a kaleidoscopic image out [...]

The post Portraying The Passing Months As Sliced... more

This week since it is the week of goblins and ghouls and spooky things, let’s do some photography in the dark! You can check out these image of light trails to get some ideas.

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Capturing light trails of something moving, often a vehicle, is somewhat magical because it’s something you cannot see with the naked eye. So only through the use of a camera and the right exposure techniques can this be possible.

Remember that light painting is just that if you show the light source – capturing the light trail.

Let’s look at a few images of light trails and see how these photographers captured the magic:

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Do you follow any of the big lifestyle/travel Instagram account? You know the type. They share amazing views and emotion evoking photos, usually accompanied by inspiring and motivating proverbs. CinematographerMatthew Rycroft suggests a different interpretation to those accounts with his HASHTAG NOFILTER short. And for me, I may never fully trust an Instagram account again. [...]

The post... more
