Photography Blogs & Tutorials

It is a battle as old as video itself, and without a doubt one of the most common friction points for wedding and event photographers the battle between photographers and videographers. When two people are out to get the same shot from the same spot, there can be only one loser the client. [...]

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So, Nikon has spoken and the D5 is now a $6,500 14 frames per second, 20.8MP,102,400ISO beast. But how does it run in the field? Nature PhotographerOle J Liodden took a beta D5(or actually two beta D5s) out of the spin for two months and came back with a very positive state of mind. Ole [...]

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Alright 2016, lets chat for a sec Last year I wrote about my 10 Best New Years Resolutions for Photographers and Im happy to say I followed most of them. I even printed my photos, which means there are photos of my husband and new daughter in my house right now as I write this. [...]

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Back in April Apple acquired Israeli-startup LinX, specializing in computational imaging, and it seems the giant from Cupertino might be putting the new technology to good use at least in its patents. A recent patent application describes a mobile camera system with multiple cameras, and its applications could be truly remarkable. The application was [...]

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Photographer Stern Mathieu has an ongoing series titled Weird Lens Challenge, wherein he takes old, strange and unusual lenses for a test drive to see how they perform. In his latest episode, he reviews a 136 year old large format camera lensone of the first to ever have an internal aperture mechanism. According to Stern, [...]

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If you’ve never tried black and white photography before, you may be wondering what the appeal is. After all, isnt it a little like black and white television or silent movies an anachronism in our modern, high-tech age?

The answer is no, definitely not. In the photography world, black and white is considered an art form. Some would even say only the best photographers work in monochrome. Its a medium with a rich history, (look at the work of... more

Incredible illustrator by day, passionate photographer by night, Ryan Hamrick loves little more than making artthe exceptions being his wife, children and maybe the perfect Old Fashion. Since hopping onboard Samsungs #DitchTheDSLRcampaign some timeago, Hamrick has amassed an impressive collection of camera gear, most notably Samsung and Fuji. As his collection grew, he needed a [...]

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Yesterday, we shared with you the latest Nikon rumor, which states upwards of 90% of Nikons D5 camera production will be the more advanced XQD model, as opposed to the CompactFlash (CF) model. Interestingly enough, weve come across a more conclusive piece of news today that states Nikon will be able to swap out the [...]

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Okay, so for one reason or another youve decided to step up to a new, more capable camera. Maybe youve moved up from a point and shoot, or maybe your phone just doesnt cut it for you anymore. But now what? There are all these buttons and dials to make sense of – where do you even start? Not to worry, read on!

Manual Mode is used to capture long exposure images such as this.

The Camera Mode Dial

Well, the first place to start, is by learning about... more

Many times it is the set where you shoot that sets the tone for the photo. I think I demonstrated that pretty well when I turned my livingroom into a warehouse. With a similar Sci-Fi mood in mind, I created a rig to provide a Sci-fi cinematic look for a shoot. Here is what I [...]

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