Photography Blogs & Tutorials

While out shooting a wonderful tutorial on how to capture and process seascape photography, Hawaiian photographer Raiatea Arcuri had a bit of a spill when a rogue wave took out him and his tripod. The twenty minute tutorial is wonderful in-and-of-itself, but what has the world gawking is Arcuris spill at around the 5-minute mark. [...]

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Whether youre just getting into the game or are a seasoned veteran wanting to make a bit more cash from your photography business, one of the most challenging aspects is figuring out how much to charge. You dont want to undervalue your own worth and time, but you also dont want to charge so high [...]

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Modular cube like cameras seem to be becoming arather popular form factor lately. Joining Sony’s UMC-S3Cand Blackmagic’s Micro Cinema Camera, Canon have announced thenew ME200S-SH. While offering similar specs to their C100 Mark II camera, including a full frame 35mm sized sensor, the ME200S-SH strips out many featuressuchas theLCD, viewfinder, andmemorycard slot, in orderto save [...]

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There is a little wanderlust in all of us. Everyone, at some point in their lives, wants to travel the world and experience all itsbeauty for themselves. Travel opens the mind to many different possibilities, and makes us more tolerant and conscious as humans. What might be simple, normal, and mundane to some, might be unique, challenging and exciting to another. In the words of Gustave Flaubert, “Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny space you occupy in the world.”... more

This is one of those topics that can become extremely complicated very quickly, but if you have a love of macro photography and a passion for electronics, this could be just the project to get you fired up. Using a process called “Reflectance Transformation Imaging” (RTI),whereby light is studied hitting the surface of an object [...]

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Wildlife and their habitat are facing a new threatfrom unethical practices deployed by a new breed of nature photographers. An exponential surge in the popularity of nature photography is unknowingly altering species behaviour and creating habitat disturbances. Take the following instances. At the beginning of this year, a video in which a tiger was seen [...]

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Watch and learnas fashion photographer Alexi Lubomirski takes us on a journey from concept to completion of a photo shoot on the streets of New York City. While the video does buildonthe foundation of a magazine shoot, almost all of the tips and suggestions mentioned can apply to pretty much any session you might shoot, [...]

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Like many photographers, Im a connoisseur of old, analogue cameras. Sure, many of them dont work and others cant be shot due to the film stock no longer being produced, but there are a dozen or so that I continually cycle through when I go on a random film spree. Something I havent yet done [...]

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Making selections in Photoshop gets easier with each passing year thanks to better tools. But, there are times when more precise selections are needed, most notably when theres hair or fur involved in the photograph youre trying to cut out. For times like these, more robust means of selection are required. To help show off [...]

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Some might pass virtual reality off as nothing more than a fad, much like 3D televisions that left the world almost as quickly as they came into it, but the reality is, its here to stay. Nokia, Lytro, Google and Facebook have all dipped their toes into the metaphorical pool, and with the amount of [...]

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