Photography Blogs & Tutorials

In a recentarticlecalled:Getting Started with Layer Masks in Photoshop a Beginners Tutorial, I showed you the basics of layer masks and why they are such powerful tools. Layer masksare essentially what gives Photoshop layers much of their power. They allow you to tell Photoshop exactly where you want your changesapplied, and to what degree.

In that article, I also... more

If youve ever attempted to hang a series of prints on your wall, you know how difficult it can be to properly align the frames. Even with a steady hand, a laser level and a couple of hours to get it done, its darn near impossible to line up everything due to the inconsistencies between [...]

The post Never struggle to hang framed photos again with the Picture Perfect Hanger... more

Inspiration, much like emotion, happens to be one of those things we can often get lost within and struggle to recall without the helpful nudge of others around us. The problem with this when it comes to creating new work, is that it relies on you to remain as current or observant as possible in [...]

The post Here’s a simple exercise you can do to find inspiration appeared... more

Brought world’s consciousnessin a massive way in 2014, thanks to the Ice Bucket Challenge, ALS is not a nice thing to have to live with. Having had a good friend suffer with ALS for several years before she passed away, I’ve seen the effects it can have first hand, not only on those who have [...]

The post This photographer has ALS and shoots amazing street... more

Corporate events may not be every photographer’s dream, but theycan certainly be interesting and maybe even fun depending on the assignment. As a freelance event photographer, about half of my shoots are corporate events, and they are among my favorite things to shoot.There’s always lots to learn from the speakers at these events, and they tend to be relatively easy gigs to shoot if you use a... more

To show off the features of the SonyRX100 IV camera, Sony Thailand has produced an amusing three minute video imagining your camera as if it were a human in order to make their points on the RX100 IV’sadvantages over abig, bulky, scary DSLR. With features like a flip screen, the RX100 IV certainly offers its [...]

The post If your camera were a human, who would it be... more

The Hitchcock Zoom, also known as the dolly zoom, the Vertigo effect, reverse tracking shot, triple reverse zoom, the trombone effect, as well ascountless other names, isthe process of simultaneously moving the camera while zooming the lens to keep your subject a constant size within the frame while the environment gets larger or smaller. This [...]

The post This... more

Are you looking for a way to spice up your landscape photography? Many times when we think of making great landscapes image,s we try not to include people. Sometimes we even wait for long periods of time for other sightseers (or other photographers) to exit our view. There are many times this is the best technique for shooting a landscape photo, but adding the human element to a scene can be just the extra touch needed to create a great image. Let’s take a look at 5 reasons to... more

(Please Note: I can neither confirm nor deny this letter was sent. I personally think the portrait is marvelous, but Ive been called Old School, so what do I know?) Dear Annie Leibovitz, I am writing in regards to the most recent photographs taken of me for my 90th birthday. I shant delve into all [...]

The post Humor: A Letter of Complaint from Her Majesty, The Queen appeared first on... more

At the end of March (2016) Sony released the new version of their... more
