Photography Blogs & Tutorials

John Aldred is DIYP’s video editor. If you liked our videos from the UK photoshow or our interviews with some of the worlds top creatives, he is the one to thank. I was askingJohn abouta deadline forone of our videos and he sent me this clip from Lixi studios as a reply. Now, I know [...]

The post A short video explaining the (insanely funny) seven steps of... more

Shooting with a manual lens centers your attention on the precise image you want to produce. Once you get the hang of shooting manual (here are two prior dPS tutorials: Tips for Using Legacy Lenses and Shooting in Full Manual and Why Every Photographer Should Use a Manual... more

Color plays an enormous part in how a movie makes us feel(or a photo for that matter). In fact, when you look back at a movie, one of the most prominent memories will be how it was colored. Maybe not on a conscious level, but the color palate ultimately gives a movie its feel. Cinema [...]

The post Cinema Palettes breaks downs the colors from popular movies appeared first on... more

If, like some,you spend the same amount of time playing Doom 4K as you are editing videos, you will absolutely like this hack for using a game controller to control premiere. Editor Casey Farishas a pretty sweet setup using Logitech Gamepad controller (about $20). The secret sauce is the actual mapping of the buttons. Casey [...]

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An historic building in South Florida burned to the ground recently because in the dark of night, a trio of photographers set it ablaze while trying to paint with light. Click HERE to read more: While trying to take a selfie last week, two tourists climbed onto Hercules, a 13th century statue at Loggia dei [...]

The post Photographers Have Become Like Pigeons appeared first on... more

ISO 100, f/10, shutter speed 5.0 seconds

Along exposure photo can makeflames look soft and feathery, capture spark trails, and be used to create a romantic or cozy mood.The tips in this article will help you get started with long exposure fire photography.

Long exposure fire photography: 5tips for beginners

Remember to be careful as you practice your fire photography. Fire can be dangerous, and it’s easy to be careless when we’re thinking more... more

The best thing anyone ever said about one of my photographs was That looks like shit. That (meaning my photograph) looks like shit. I think it was something I posted on DPREVIEW or one of those other sites. Anyways, where I posted the photo is irrelevant. What is relivant is that that comment changed everything [...]

The post iPhone is the new Film appeared first on... more

Lightroom is powerful, but its also complex and has a steep learning curve. If you feel overwhelmed by all the options, theres great value in taking a simple approach and learning to use the tools that are most useful first. Leave the more advanced features until you have more experience.

With that in mind, Ive put together this list of the six most important things you need to know about Lightrooms... more

Sell the fake or add to the surrealism. As as creative retoucher and composite photographer, these are two aspects that in my opinion are very important, you either learn techniques to help blend realism into the piece, or techniques to make it stand out and add surrealism. For example, you can have a model float [...]

The post How To Create Bullet haze and Fire haze in Photoshop appeared... more

It’s getting to become a pretty common occurrence lately. Somebody flies a drone, somebody else gets hit in the headby it. Well, when they’re not being speared out of the sky. This time, however, it is believed that itwasn’t piloterror or a drone malfunction, but simply mother nature doing her thing as the drone collided [...]

The post Another day, another... more
