Photography Blogs & Tutorials

As if the facial recognition news coming out of Russia wasn’t creepy enough already, it’s now available in App form to users of popular Russian social media network, Vkontakte. FindFace, which launched only two months ago, allows users to photograph people in a crowd and discover their identities with 70% reliability and could be the [...]

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It is a sad day for the photography communityas we report that Michael Reichmann, the founder of Luminous-Landscape, has died aged 71 after a long battle with cancer. Having started Luminous-Landscape 17 years ago with good friend, Chris Sanderson, the site has grownto become one of the largest and most respected photography resources on the [...]

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White balance, something were all familiar with these days. Be it setting it to a preset on the camera, dialing it in by eye or perhaps even going as far as to using a colour checker passport / grey card to nail it in camera. It seemsthat most of the time, a lot of people [...]

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The words Instagram and schedule are not exactly natural bedfellows. The notion of carefully curating and managing posts on a platform that espouses the spontaneity of a Polaroid-like image in a digital format is somewhat conflicted. However, while Instagram might be regarded as the webs largest repository of cats drinking coffee on fixed wheel bicycles, [...]

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When going out and photographing youput your heart and soul in to capturing that special moment, and later, you maypay great care and attention to finishing the image off in post-processing. You are so proud of the results you simply cannot wait to share it online, or add to your portfolio on your website!

One of the most popular practices amongst many photographers is the humble watermark; an opaque logo or text layered on top of an image. But is watermarking really necessary to... more

PhotojournalistMaya Vidon-White is facing criminal charges over her photo of a man who was killed during the November terror attacks in Paris after the man’s family filed charges against the Paris based photographer. Stating that the publication of the image caused the family emotional damage, press freedom advocates argue that Vidon-White has been wrongfully targeted [...]

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On April 3, The New York Times Magazine photography critic Teju Cole penned a piece largely dismissing the work of renownphotographer Steve McCurry. The piece caused a minor ruckus in photography circles with people (like myself) writing in his defense, while others castigated his imperialist eye and amplified whispers of staged scenes. Just when the [...]

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When you’re photographing architecture, it’s easy to get lost in the grandeur of some buildings. That’s not a bad thing. That’s how they were designed, to be a spectacle. Cathedrals, palaces, opera houses, and state buildings are allexamples of architecture that’s meant to impress.

That’s the bigger picture. In terms of photography, however, it can... more

Ultra wide angle lenses are great, and if you’re a landscape shooter then you probably own at least one or two of them, but many have a bit of a problem in the form of built in lens hoods that prevent you from attaching filters. While you may not want to usea polarising filter on [...]

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No matter how much amazing imagery NASA throw at us, they always seem to wow us with new and amazing photographs on a regular basis. Shot on a wide lens mounted on the International Space Station, this image lets us look deep into the milky way while making a pass over the Republic of Kirbati, [...]

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