Photography Blogs & Tutorials

I’ve always been inspired by the night sky. But I always thought that it would be difficult to shoot. And I guess it was not easy way way back, but today’s tech makes it easy twice: new sensors are extremelysensitive to light and are producing great high-iso, low noise results. Thisopened up a whole new [...]

The post How I photographed these star trails at the Nabatean... more

Depression? In order to make this hit home what its like living with depression Ive written this article twice. The first half is during my mindset when Ive been depressed, how I feel, what I think. The latter is my reflection upon the previous article when Im in a better mindset. It took me 9 [...]

The post Creatives Against Depression: How it feels and how to progress appeared first on... more

Think of your last bad day of photography, a time where you just blew a whole batch of portraits, or even a couples wedding day images were spoiled. As photographers you cant go back and fix that. Yes if you use RAW, you can get some info back from under or over exposed shots, and editing tools these days can be incredibly useful. But, when you spend more time behind the computer than with you camera it can be a real confidence buster. It may even be taking away from future business, if not... more

If you’re ever looking for inspiration, you really can’t go wrong with Benjamin Von Wong, and just a quick scroll down the homepage of his website will instantly show you why. But, if you needed some more convincing then I present this video, brought to you by the folks from the Cooperative of Photography,featuring Benjamin [...]

The post 4 steps for planning your... more

I had tried Lightroom in the past, but always preferred using Apple’s Aperture photo editing program. But in the spring of 2014, when it was announced that Apple was no longer supporting Aperture, I decided to make the leap to Lightroom. At first I found it difficult to use and not really intuitive, but I soon found my way around and I was a Lightroom convert.

If you are new to Lightroom and don’t know where to start, or have thought about using it but feel... more

The histogram is based around a fairly simple principle, but one that many still struggle to get to grips with. Put simply, it’s a graph showing the relative proportion of brightness levels throughout your image. In the latest video from Rocket Jump Film School, cinematographerJon Salmon talks us through exactly what the histogram is and [...]

The post This is what your... more

Photoshop’s layer blending options are some of itsmost powerful tools but also one of itsmost frustrating, particularly the “Blend if” sliders. Designed to help you blend a layer with thosebelow it based on the luminance of colour channels, actually seeing what’s effect it’s having on a layer often can be difficult. In this video from [...]

The post... more

Shadows are often the hardest part when creating composites. In my workshop I often get the question cant we just take a copy of the model, duplicate that, make it black and use that as a shadow. My answer was always no till recently. I am gonna show you a way how you can (often)use [...]

The post Power Trick: shadows for composites and digital manipulation appeared first on... more

Something quite special dwells beneath the surface of New Zealand and these images prove that the country is just as beautiful below ground as it is above! The Waitomo area is famous for its limestone caves and within these caves are one of the most magical insects in the world, the glowworm. Glow worms emit [...]

The post Glow worms turn New Zealand cave... more

If you are reading this site for any amount of time, you you know that we are big fans of adding movement to time lapses. I mean static timelapses are so 2014 If you want movement but still cant setup a big rig, the Genie mini is the perfect solution for you, and we [...]

The post We are giving away a super cool timelapse device, the Syrp Genie Mini appeared first on... more
