Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Well, it looks like Amazon have GoProstaff working there at the moment. They seem to have jumped the gun and started promoting iPhone 7 cases ahead of Apple’s official announcement. The cases shown definitely seem to confirm that the iPhone7 will contain a single rear camera while the 7+ will have a dual lens system. [...]

The post Amazon leak iPhone 7 info a... more

DIY dolliescome in all sorts of shapes and sizes using a variety of tricks and technology. Sometimes, though, you just have to go back to basics. That’s exactly what’s in this entertaining video from filmmaker David Sandberg. This is the second such dolly David has made since leaving his previous one in Sweden. Using a [...]

The post How to build a large DIY Track Dolly under $50... more

Myths and misconceptions persist because theyre either compelling or no one bothers to correct them. For photographers, many myths of digital photography arose whentrying to draw imperfect analogies to film photography. Given the complex physics behind digital imaging, its not totally surprising that some myths persist, but here are a few you might want to [...]

The post 5 Myths of Digital Photography... more

Are you ready to make the switch from a hobbyist to full-time professional photographer? That,s great, congratulations on your decision. It’s a great profession to be in, one that gets your creative juices flowing every time youpick up a camera. But along with the desire to start your own photography business, there are a few necessary steps that you need to take to make sure you start off on the right note!

Define who you are as a photographer and what is... more

I started this project because, well, it seemed like it would be hella fun, and it truly has been, everyagonizingmoment of it. I can’t say it’s been hard work, very little of my life as a photographer hasever really felt like work, even when I’m shooting jobs I’m not really ‘in’ to, this series in [...]

The post I’ve spent... more

When Sigma set their mind to something, they really seem to go all-in lately. That’s what they’ve done today, by announcing EIGHT new Cinema lenses at the same time. The new collection of lenses comprises fiveT1.5 primes and three zoom lenses. Well, it’s certainly a nice collection to kick off their entryin the world of [...]

The post Sigma storms their way into the... more

Youve rolled out your white background for your shoot; whether it’s vinyl or paper. Its a bitdirty from shoes, but youre under pressure to get the shoot done, so you carry on regardless. When the shoot is over and the photos are back on the computer, thats when you see how bad it really was. The scuff marks, the footprints, the stray hairs, these are going take ages to clone out. Youre sorry now that you didnt clean it up, or cut off some paper. Sigh. Better just getting going on the... more

Fujifilm have today announced a new monochrome instant film for its Instax mini cameras. According to the press release, “The instax mini film Monochrome responds to the increasingly sophisticated demands of users, enabling them to expand the artistic potential of their photographic expression and adding a further dimension of fun to using instax cameras and [...]

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I’m going to get it out of the way right at the start. Having watched the trailer, I want to go and see thismovie. Thistrailer tells us absolutely nothing about what the movie’s about, but every cut pulls me in more. Until the guy starts talking at the end of the trailer, I’ve no idea [...]

The post IBM’s Watson gives us the world... more

Victoria Police have reportedthat a 22 year old Australian man hasbeenpulled from the water at St Kilda Pier. Why was he in the water? Well, he was attempting to rescue his drone. He’d been flying thedrone with a friend to shoot photos as part of a project when it suddenly fell into the water. Attempts [...]

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