Photography Blogs & Tutorials

I’ve always said that I love street photography so much that I would die for it. However, I didn’t expect the Universe to call me out on it. Gettingthat one shotalmost got me killed once… HOW IT ALL HAPPENED… A few years ago, I was producing a street photography album in Seoul. The South-Korean capital […]

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This could be the biggest indicator so far that Nikon are actually starting to take mirrorless seriously. Yes, they did mention recently that they plan to launch a mirrorless camera that can complete with medium-to-high end DSLRS. But talk is cheap. This new patent, though, makes things rather interesting. It also suggests that Nikon’s re-entry […]

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Light painting involves long exposure, and as we know, this is when you want everything to be perfectly still. So, in cases like this, the wind is definitely not the friendliest weather condition. The master of light painting Eric Par shows you how to deal even with the harshest wind when light painting with tubes. […]

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A recent post on Google products forum announces that YouTube Video Editor and Photo slideshows will be discontinued in September. Apparently, there were a limited number of users of these features. So, Google has decided to cancel them completely so they can focus on building new tools and improving on other existing features. When it […]

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A cornerstone in modern manufacturing, plastic is an amazing thing. Look around and you’ll see an abundance of plastic materials used in an endless variety of products. From pens to planes – yep, even modern commercial aircraft are cutting down on weight by introducing plastic composite components – plastic has revolutionized the way we live. And while much of the plastic we encounter is discarded after the first use – this photography tutorial will give you a good... more

I have been a contributing photographer with Stocksy United for four years now, so I thought I would reflect a little about my time with Stocksy. Back when I was accepted to Stocksy in 2013 (there is a robust application process) my goal for stock photography was to earn a little extra cash to go […]

The post Four Years With Stocksy United: A Photographer’s Review... more

A month from today, the earth is going to experience one of those rare moments where a fine drink is in order – a total solar eclipse. If you live in America, YAY. America will get the full Total Eclipse treatment, if you are living anywhere else, why not enjoy the eclipse from space. In […]

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Wildlife photography is one of the fastest growing hobbies today. With DSLR and lenses getting cheaper by the minute, it is only bound to grow faster. With more and more people taking to wildlife photography as a means to connect with nature and share its beauties, it’s become imperative that you start pushing the bar of your photography ever higher. One of the best and easiest ways to do that is to try out rim lighting shots. If you do not know what that means, you are on the right... more

Its summer here in the northern hemisphere and high season for hiking! There are many good reasons to leave home for a few days (or weeks) of trekking through beautiful scenery. One reason is the natural landscape itself, of course, to see something different, something inspiring. Other reasons are the exercise, a change in rhythm and priorities, the company, or the adventure; often its a combination of many things.

Halfway through a 10-day hike in the remote... more

It may have recently been tested and defeated in the American courts, but drone registration is coming to the UK. The government have announced plans to introduce the registration along with “safety awareness courses” for owners of SUAs (Small Unmanned Aircraft). This registration, they say, will be required for anything weighing more than 250g (~8oz). […]

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