Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Adobes Content Aware Fill tool is one of the most incredible pieces of editing technology to come around in a long time. Sure, its nothing more than an automated clone and stamp tool, but with each update it seems to get more and more intelligent, making removal of unwanted objects more simple than ever. To [...]

The post A humorous look at the incredible... more

When you think of composition in photography, what is the first idea that pops into your head? Let me guess – the rule of thirds?

Likely that was true for many of you who reading this, why do you think that is? The rule of thirds is probably the most widely known, and well used compositional tool in photography. Most often, it is the first composition tool we are... more

After learning about the history and science of lenses, and gaining some knowledge about the properties of modern lenses, its time to take a deeper look at depths of field and how its affected by sensor size. Kick back as John Hess of Filmmaker IQ takes us on a 17-minute long journey through the optics, [...]

The post Everything You Need To Know About Depth of... more

I have previously worked in an advertising agency as a web developer – so working on web sites is not a strange thing for me.On the other hand, I am a photographer and a retoucher, and I have yet to find a venue to host my work. I keep asking myself “Where can I present [...]

The post From Scratch To Portfolio In One Hour – A Test With ADOBE Portfolio appeared... more

With all my years as a photographerIve learned one thing. Nothing makes people happier than Glitter. Seriously, If you want to make a photo glamours, happy or just give it a sparkling tone, you can use some Glitter to make that happen. Of course, shooting Glitter is a whole other story. We took the opportunity [...]

The post How to Shoot Glitter (Or To Get It Pre-Made And Avoid The Mess)... more

Adobe released a new feature for the photographers and other creative using its Creative Cloud services, which promises to help build a personalized portfolio website in minutes. Seeking to assist creatives in sharing the work they create using its software, Adobe Portfolio will automatically sync projects with the users Behance profile The new tool is [...]

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If you want to get up close to your subject, closer than you can by setting your lens to its minimum focusing distance, then extension tubes are an excellent way of doing so.

When you turn the focusing ring of your lens away from infinity, the front element moves out from the lens body. The distance between the front element and the sensor (or film) plane is called extension. When your lens is set to its minimum focusing distance, the front element can move no further forward.... more

Update: After chatting with the photogrpaher, we decided to pull the story back. We reached out to the photographer heard his side of the story, along with some very strong evidance by him. It apears that the friends of two or three brides had all their friends spam his reviews and call all the news [...]

The post Atlanta wedding... more

Its oftentimes the work you do out of pure passion that leads to the most magnificent result. That couldnt be more true in the case of Vista, the latest time-lapse montage created by Portland-based photographer Leif Smith. The three minute video took three years of shooting, countless days of editing and consisted of tens of [...]

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What happens when you combine slo-mo video, skateboarding and colored powder? Magic. Thats what happens. To showcase this magical trifecta, BeyondSlowMotion has created Chromatic 2, a mesmerizing four-minute video that showcases talented skateboarders performing tricks through colored powder and with it on their boards as well. Theres not much to say other than its a [...]

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