Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Late last year, drone manufacturer DJI stepped out of their comfort zone and introduced to the world the DJI Osmo, a handheld, gyro-stabilized 4K camera. While it wowed testers everywhere and seemed to perform great in bumpy situations, there was one area where it did not impress. Audio. So much so that we actually shared [...]

The post DJI is giving away free... more

Earlier last month, Nikon surprised the world with the announcement of the Keymission 360, a 4K-resolution 360 action cam built with virtual reality (VR) in mind. At the time, not much information was given on the device, with the exception of a few images and vague specs to base quality off of. Shortly after though, [...]

The post Nikon’s... more

Strobists, get your wallet ready. Phoenix has announced the details and release date of its upcoming Odin II flash triggers. Not only has Phottix announced the new triggers, but Sekonic has also announced a new pair of LITEMASTER PRO light meters designed specifically for Elinchrom and Phottix lighting equipment. First up are the second generation [...]

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Photography is the youngest language in the world, says photographer Asher Svidensky in his most recent TEDx Talk, but why are the words used to describe photography so violent? Join Asher on his 11-minute talk about how photography can be a bonding tool, rather than a dividing one, how he uses it to express himself [...]

The post Asher Svidensky Isnt Shooting... more

With a limited budget it’s easy to feel limited by your gear (or lack of gear I should say) but with time, and experimentation, you can discover ways to use the gear you have now, to make compelling images. In this tutorial you will be given a few pointers on how you can use just one LED light to make beautiful and dynamic images.


For this tutorial you will need:

  • An LED light. The light used here is a... more

Im sure most of you are familiar with Jaroslav Wieczorkiewiczs work by now. His signature splashed-milk photography has been featured twice before on the blog as well as on numerous media outlets across the world. But, as much as I liked his 1940s Milky Pin-ups and loved his Splash Heroes, they both suddenly seem like [...]

The post Tons of Milk and Naked Models Transformed Into Stunning Fallen Angels (NSFW) appeared... more

Drone owners, it looks like Spiderman-inspired nets arent the only thing youll need to worry about taking down your drone. The Dutch National Police are testing a new means of bringing down unauthorized unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Eagles. Thats right, Dutch police are currently undergoing a short trial period of teaching trained eagles to identify [...]

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Youve likely heard that auto settings like auto exposure and autofocus arent fail-proof. Theyre strong features, no doubt, and most photographers take advantage of them at least some, if not all, of the time. But the key to success with auto-anything is to make it work for you; that is, to understand its limitations, and know when its not going to give you the best results.

If youve been a photographer for very long, youve likely run into the situation in which a very bright scene, a... more

Models, Photographers, MUA’s – The computer is out to get your jobs! In recent years, we’ve seen how photography is being taken out of catalogs. IKEA was one of the first to embrace 3D rendering, with about 75% of its catalog being computer generated. Now it seems that fashion photography is following the same footprints. [...]

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So, we know that theCanon EOS-1D X Mark II is due to be out this week, (we had leaks and rumors) but it is not out yet, at least not on Canon’s web site. Well, looks like someone hit the publish button a bit early and put it in the store, exposing the full prices, [...]

The post Canon EOS-1D X Mark II Price, Specs and Images Published Prematurely By Retailer... more
