Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Known around the world for their self-assembly furniture and a range of products you can repurpose for photography, Ikea wants to help you with your photography, by slowing you down and helping you to get the one shot that matters. Literally, one shot, that’s it. Titled “Klikk”, the Ikea Belgium appaims to force photographers to [...]

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As important as the shoot itself is, as well as post-production, an oft-overlooked aspect of shooting an image is the pre-production. Specifically, the process of creating the set upon which the model will be posing for the entirety of the shoot. Today though, we get a behind-the-scenes look at what exactly it takes to set [...]

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One of the most fundamental elements of photography is that of composition, or how your subject, foreground, background, light, and other elements work together to produce a complete picture. While understanding how this works is fundamental to mastering the art of photography, the underlying principlesbehind composition go much deeper than just getting all the big things rightso theylook goodin the... more

Youve probably come across photos captured on the beach near St. Barts Gustaf III airport before. You know, those ones where beachgoers can be seen almost touching the bottom of planes. Have you ever wondered who the photographers are and where they sit to capture those photos? If so, you now have your answer, thanks [...]

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One of the last things you want to see while paddleboarding is a shark. The absolute last thing you want to see while paddle boarding is a shark leap out of the water and knock you off your board. But thats exactly what happened to paddleboarder Maximo Trinidad. Thankfully, for us, the entire event was [...]

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When it comes to the names of those that have changed the photography world over the years, fashion photographer David Bailey is often one of the first that comes to mind. Leading the fashion photography of the 60s with cohortsTerence Donovan and Brian Duffy, they captured and created the “Swinging London”, and set the stage [...]

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If you are a visual learner like me, seeing images and written words reinforces your memory, and enhances your learning. Concepts, ideas, and experiences associated with images, colors, and action, stay longer in our memory, help us savour the moment, and relive the events more clearly.

Spring is in sight, the days are getting longer and lighter, let’s go out and make the most of the season and make some new memories. Here’s a fun personal photography project for you: write... more

Selfies are just a part of our culture today, whether stills or video, but they have been known to land people in hot water a time or two. Sometimes the consequences are simply a little embarrassment, sometimes very severe(and rightly so). In what seems more suited toridicule onAmerica’s Dumbest Criminals, California resident Wayne Allen Huntsman [...]

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It just so turned out that I am surrounded with really talented body paint artists. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I shoot a lot of modern circus performers and maybe it is just the route life planned for me. Either way, I am surrounded by wonderful body painters. I also see [...]

The post How To Make a DIY UV filter for 2 cents that actually works appeared first on... more

We’ve covered the “evils of Photoshop”as it pertains to human subjectsa number of times, but the use of some photography and Photoshop techniques in travel photography are starting to cause concerns to grow that tourists will become disappointed upon arriving at their destination. Social Media’s constant pressure for “Shares” and “Likes” is only fuelling this [...]

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