Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Remember the massive outcry when Taylor Swifts terrible concert photography contracts were published? Apparently Janet Jackson doesnt, or she just really doesnt care. Earlier today PetaPixel were sent a copy of the contract photographers have to sign if they wish to take photos at Jacksons 2015 world tour, and it aint pretty. I have seen [...]

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A Norwegian couple visiting Thailands southern city of Krabi was out birdwatching and photographing when they got stuck in the mud. Luckily a local fisherman came to their rescue and helped them out, risking getting stuck himself, despite being able to easily make off with their expensive equipment. The fisherman asked for nothing in return, [...]

The post Thai... more

As anticipated, Leica revealed a new minute ago their Leica SL Typ-601 system. This is a Mirrorless, 24 MP CMOS sensor camera withaMaestro II processor, thatcan go up to ISO 50,000. The camera also boasts a WiFi connection, a weather-sealed body and a new4.4MP EyeResEVF. The camera shoots an impressive 11 FPS and its video [...]

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Aprevious article showed you how to get started in Lightrooms Develop module by using the Camera Calibration, Lens Corrections and the Basic panels.

In this article you’ll learn how to use the remaining right-hand panels in the Lightroom Develop module:

  • Tone Curve panel
  • HSL / Color / B&W panel
  • Split Toning panel
  • Detail panel... more

Mirrorless Rumors spotted anItalian sitepossibly breaking the embargo on the6,900 Euros Leica SL announcement due later today, and sharing some images from a kit they got for review. The site has since removed the “offending page” but not before MR quickly captured the images along with the Google Translated text from the Italian post. With [...]

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Darlene’s Portrait Fundamentals course is on sale for $75 (50% off) now until November 3rd only. Find out more or grab the deal over at

There are many pieces to doing a portrait – it’s not easy. You have to think about the technical stuff like exposure and focus, as well as the non-technical stuff like composition and working with a live subject. It can be daunting... more

Looking for something new for your filmcamera? Look no further: Lomographyhave just announced anew limited-editionKONO! Donau 35mm film: This limited edition, hand-rolled film is available in extremely limited quantities and only available through Lomography. Because Donau is made out of material used in post-production that isnt typically used in cameras, it gives your photos a [...]

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Here it comes… US just created a task force to create a Drone Registry by November 20. Frankly, we are not surprised. The Obama administration would want all US drones to be registered. They said that this is a part of a bigger effort to “to curtail rogue drone flights that pose a danger to [...]

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Battelle recently announced the DroneDefender, an inexpensive, handheld, point-and-shoot system that will prevent the ever-growing number of drones out there from becoming security or safety threats. Using radio control frequency disruption technology, the DroneDefender can disable a potentially dangerous or hostile drone from a distance of up to 400 meters by making it believe it [...]

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Yesterday we reported that Mitakon/ZY Optics is developing the worlds fastest 135mm full frame lens, and today the company has revealed its specs and made the lens available for pre-order. Owning the longest f/1.4 full frame lens will come at a cost, $2,999 to be precise, but it will automatically become a collectible item with [...]

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