Photography Blogs & Tutorials

By November it will be 2 years since I started writing for DIYPand and it’s time again to recap the best articles for the year plus some of last years plus I want to writehow sharing what you know will help not just other photographers but will also help you as a photographer. Ever since [...]

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Of course, shutter speed plays anessential rolein creating silky smooth waterfall photographs, but does it get a little too much attention in tutorial articles? I think so.

In this article you’ll learn about three other key elements to creating a successful silky smooth waterfall photograph, and when you put it all together, all you’ll need to do next is find a waterfall to photograph.

ISO 100 | 62mm | f/16 | 1/3

Composing waterfall... more

Exactly five months after GoPro announced it is developing a quadcopter the company shared the first teaser video. Theres a lot we dont know when it comes to GoPros drone, like exactly when it will be released, how much it will cost or what features it will have. What we do know now though, thanks [...]

The post Here is the First Footage Shot with the GoPro Drone... more

Simon Schaffrath, a photographer from Germany, and his wife decided they wanted to do some pictures for the announcement of their first baby! They plan on naming him “Theodor” and I absolutely love and appreciate the creativity that Simon put into each and every photo! Painting the scenery on his wife’s body using non toxic [...]

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If you are trying to get a project done (be it photography or otherwise), and you are on the verge of shipping for too long, because it is not “perfect” yet, you need to hear this message fromJames Victore. James suggests that Perfection is a myth and is it not all that important. It is [...]

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Several months ago we reported that William Merideth of Kentucky was arrested and charged with first degree wanton endangerment and criminal mischief after firing his neighbors drone out of the sky with a shotgun. Based on the fact that the drone was shot over Merideths property and that eyewitnesses said the drone was flying low, [...]

The post Judge Rules it Legal to... more

Probably the easiest question that Im asked is, what is my favorite lens? Despite owning a sizeable collection of lenses for my Pentax K-7, the very first lens I ever bought, a Tamron 28-200mm was, and still is, my favorite lens.

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I am a big fan ofKate Winslet as an actress and I think she is wonderful. I think even more so, now that she has added a No Photoshop Clause to her Lancme (LOreal) contract. Kate has been the face of Lancme for a while now, and he has revealed inthe Elle Women in Hollywood [...]

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With at least 1,108 American citizens killed by police in 2014, including some high-profile cases like the Ferguson shooting, and 2015 headed towards a similar figure, public scrutiny of law enforcement has increased dramatically. Blaming police for killing innocent people as well as using excessive and fatal force against criminals, many civilians have taken it [...]

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Its October again and that means Halloween is around the corner. This is good news for you as a photographer, Halloween is a visual holiday like no other. With all of the decorations, theme shaped food, Jack-o-lanterns and costumes you have more potential for photography than you can shake a selfie stick at.

One of my favorite parts of Halloween are the masks. Many of the better quality masks available are extremely detailed and creepy, lending themselves well to visceral imagery.

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