Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Back in 1971 Apollo 15 was the most successful manned flight ever achieved, according to NASA. But the three astronauts aboard the spacecraft werent all about the science, as the video below shows. Two of the astronauts took turns to photograph each other on the moon, undoubtedly aware that theyd need epic Facebook profile photos [...]

The post Behind The Scenes of a NASA Photo... more

Privacyand social networks has always been an issue(yup). But this latest experiment from Facebook probably tops any scenario you may have considered as privacy invasion. A new feature coming that is currently testing in Australia (for android) is calledPhoto Magic. Here is the magic: The Facebook Messenger Appwill scan your camera roll and will apply [...]

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“What do you mean it’s a manual lens?”

That is usually the first response I receive when I tell people about one of the favorite lenses I keep in my bag:... more

If you looked in my closet youd probably think Oh yeah, this guy is a cross-dresser! Although that would certainly make a more interesting story, the fact is, since my photography is 99.9% of the time a DIY venture (no stylists or hair ormake-up), my closets are packed with wardrobe (including a lot of womens [...]

The post How (And Why) I Shot This Beauty With Beast Feet... more

Thermonuclear Art – The Sun In Ultra-HD is the latest timelapse video released by NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center, and it lives up to its name. Capturing the sun in 10 wavelengths of invisible ultraviolet light every 12 seconds, and assigning a unique color to each wavelength, NASAs Solar Dynamics Observatory brings us the images [...]

The post NASAs... more

Image taken with Canon 60D and Canon 24mm EF-S lens.

A number of dPS readers have recently been asking about the Canon 24mm EF-S pancake lens, and how it compares to a 50mm lenses for photographing people. Both are great options, given the price point, but they do have slightly different strengths when it comes to people photography. In this article, I’ll show you... more

It seems that with the rise of phone and mirrorless, DSLRs are dying, or with eve of DSLRs comes a new dawn of mirrorless cameras. But many still argue that Mirrorless is not there yet. To all those advocates, commercial photographer and educator Ming Thein has some ideas on where mirrorless should be going to [...]

The post How To Properly Design A Mirrorless Camera appeared first on... more

About two weeks ago, we hosted a workshop with the amazingNatalia Taffarel.Now, I am back at the studio and I am having some mixed feelings.Mixed because I’m highly motivated to do a change in my retouching workflow in a crazy way, and because I am overfilled with new input.On the other hand I do not [...]

The post The Power Of Color and Color Harmonies In Composition... more

You’ve probably seen those beautiful portraits where couples are embracing, and laughing naturally off-camera, or two children are skipping up the beautiful country lane-way, bathed in the most perfect light. Everything in the image looks flawless, yet it still seems like the photographer just happened to be walking past at the exact right moment to capture the perfect shot.

So why is it when I try and capture those perfect candid moments someone always has their eyes closed,... more

If youve been to a wedding recently youve probably noticed this; if you make a living photographing weddings youve definitely seen it: more and more guests these days watch weddings through their smartphone screens as they photograph and record every moment of it. God forbid Facebook wont get to see the entire ceremony. While many [...]

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