Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Being a pretty diverse tool, Photoshop suggests many ways to accomplish each task. And each has its pros and cons. One of the more powerful tools in photoshop is masks. It is probably also one of the more complex tools. We are going to tackle makingtoday, and hopefully making them a bit less complex. What [...]

The post Using Masks and Channels For Object Extraction appeared first on... more

Rob Whitworths latest flow motion video was released a few days ago and judging by the fact that its been viewed over 1.5 million times already, I think its fair to say that his unique style still captivates audiences. Curious to find out more about the kind of production efforts involved in such a project [...]

The post DIYP Interviews Flow Motion Master Rob Whitworth... more

With the end of 2015 and the holiday period approaching, we know that many dPS readers find themselves with cameras in hand more than any other time of year.

The holidays come with so many wonderful photographic opportunities and we don’t want you to miss a single one!

So we have a special gift for dPS newsletter subscribers…

A free dPS mini-guide How to Photograph the Holidays!

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One of the most prestigious accolades any photographer can obtain is to be the recipient of the Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship. Awarded annually for 90 years, the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation gives the honor of the Fellowship to men and women who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in [...]

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Famed photojournalist Steve McCurry was one of 80,000 people inside the Stade de France watching a France-Germany friendly on Friday, November 13th, 2015. Twenty minutes into the match, three suicide bombers detonated explosive vests just outside of the national stadium as one part of a string of highly coordinated terroristattacks across Paris, France. McCurry, most [...]

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Hasselblad was once known for its incredible lineup of medium format cameras. But at some point in the past decade the Swedish company has gained a terrible reputation for taking Sony cameras, wrapping them in unnecessary and over-priced faades and branding them as their own. One such camera is the Hasselblad HV, a Sony A99 [...]

The post You Can Now... more

Do you ever get the feeling you’re being played by the camera manufacturers? Sony appears to have no shame in regularly drip feeding its technology to consumers, eager for the nextbest thing in image quality.

If you don’t mind your hot new camera becoming a dinosaur six months after you buy it, Sony is the camera brand for you. You see, Sony has been very crafty by releasing a wide range of new mirrorless cameras, in such a way that you’ll probably need more than one... more

Astrophotography is becoming more accessible than ever. Not only have manufacturers made cameras specifically designed with celestial photography in mind, theyve also started work on built-in star tracking that will use sensor-shift technology to account for the movement of celestial bodies in the sky during a long exposure. While Canon might have been one of [...]

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The internet and Photoshop are both amazing tools that have facilitated endless amounts of good deeds. But as a Canadian Sikh by the name of Veerender Jubbal recently found out, they arent always used with the best intentions in mind. A selfie Jubal posted online several months ago was photoshopped to make him look like [...]

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One of the most common uses for zoom lenses is, as their name suggests, to zoom in on objects that are far away.These lenses are fantastic for getting close-up views of nature, architecture, wildlife, or anything else that might be little more than a speck to the naked human eye.

Some cameras like the... more
