Photography Blogs & Tutorials

When you think of DJIs Osmo camera, timelapse photography likely isnt the first thing that comes to mind. But, as it turns out, the gimbal-stabilized 4K footage from the DJI Osmo is a perfect solution to creating incredible hyperlapse videos. Award-winning timelapse photographer Rufus Blackwell took his DJI Osmo on a recent trip to Saigon, [...]

The post This... more

Photography has all sorts of rules that we’re told to adhere to: thirds, inverse square, golden mean and so on. While these rules certainly help build the foundation of any great photographer, its important to remember to break the rules and step out of the mould every once in a while to learn and gain [...]

The post A look at photographic experimentation in the studio appeared... more

Digging around the Internet, there are tons of resources availablefor constructing the perfect studio lighting setup for photographers, but very little is written about the best travel photography lighting kits. As a result, this article is an entirely DIY approach, comprised of lots of sleuthing and trial and error, to create the ideal lighting kit, that’s compact and easy to travel with. Let’s start with the essentials: the lighting gear!

Best Travel Photography... more

It was yet another snowy day in New York, so I headed to the Arboretum to work on macro photography. Tripod slung over one shoulder, with my Olympus mirrorless gear in tow, I approached the door only to be stopped in my tracks. No tripods she said, pointing to the sign.

Ive been here plenty of times with a tripod, but on holidays and weekends the rules change. Since it was Presidents Day, the ban was in place. I put the tripod back in the car and decided to use the limitation as... more

Timelapses are awesome and so is high speed photography. if only there was a device that can do them both…. Oh wait… Triggertrap connects your camera to your smartphone and uses all the phone’s sensors to make timelapses, star trails, bursting balloons, breaking eggs, night to day sequences, water splashes and so much more. If [...]

The post The perfect timelapse kit... more

With storage being less of an issue than ever before and cameras becoming more powerful with each new iteration, RAW images have gone from something only the pros use to something that can now be captured in smartphones. What is the advantage of a RAW photo though? Information. A RAW image, specifically a 16-bit image, [...]

The post Tutorial: How to save overexposed... more

GoPros might seem like small, cheap cameras that are practically disposable. But with the right light, an eye for composition and the bravery to take them to the extremes, GoPro cameras are capable of capturing incredible imagery. To show off just how incredible life can be, GoPro has put together a promotional video that shows [...]

The post Whoever said... more

In this article I willoutline eight steps, that will help visualize what you’ll need to capture beautiful, well-planned, and unique images that you’ll be happy with.

Long exposures are the true artworks of photography; a normally static and bland scene can become a dynamic masterpiece when the shutter is left open, and the capturing of movement occurs. Surf on a beach becomes a swirling, cloud-like mass, and grasses flowing in the wind become a single, beautiful... more

Here is a quick and snazzy tip on adding some cool retro and vintage frame overlays to your photographs, including polaroids and borders, using Alien Skin Exposure X. It’s easy as pie, and takes seconds! Unlike Photoshop, adding frames in Exposure X does not require masking, or the use of layers.

But first… why add frames?
  1. You may be going for a certain look and want your images to stand out.
  2. You may want to use your images in scrapbooks and blogs that... more

Being a sports photographer, covering thingsranging from soccer (football) and rugby, to horse racing, I often have the Canon 400mm f/2.8L IS II USM on one of my camera bodies. Its this lens focal length and fast aperture that is most helpful.I love this lens for its image quality and... more
