Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Composition is one of thecrucial elements of photography. Its a powerful tool to express the idea and communicate your message. In this video, Ted Forbes focuses on low angle photography, how it works and what it communicates. He also presents useful ideas for combining points of view and getting dramatic, powerful and unique shots. Simply […]

The post Change your... more

I always say that if you want to see creativity, ask a photographer the various ways potential clients will respond back to rate requests. I decided to turn that into reality! I asked photographers the worst stories they had with potential clients responding back after being asked what their rates were. I promised to keep […]

The post Clients From Hell Photographer Edition: “What... more

Have you ever been interested in taking night shots, but never known where to begin?

Night photography can be intimidating, even for seasoned photographers who are used to taking shots during the day.

Well, now you can learn how to take amazing photos from dusk till dawn with our brand new Night Photography video course – launched in the last few hours.

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Not too long ago, we saw a comparison of 7 popular LED lights for under $50. We all like ultra cheap, but sometimes you need to stretch the budget just a little bit more. Jumping up to the next level gives a rather substantial increase in both power and versatility. In this video, Caleb Pike […]

The post 10 video LED lights for stills or video between $50-100 appeared first on... more

There are not many photographers left who don’t use Photoshop. Sometimes its just a tool for small enhancements, and sometimes its used to create a work of art and lead you into a world of imagination. Russian photo editing artist Max Asabin uses Photoshop to transfer the subject into any setting they like. Sometimes its […]

The post This artist uses... more

Patience is not one of my many virtues and practice as always been my favorite over theory. Instead of taking the time to learn the essentials before starting, I usually go head down into it and comes what may! This behaviour has caused me disappointment, loss of time and money. That’s why I have decided […]

The post 3 beginner mistakes new film photographers make... more

Just a quick heads-up for anyone headed to Gulf Photo Plus in Dubai that I'll be holding a drop-in studio session on the afternoon of Weds., Feb 15th. It's not an official class, just something cool happening on the side.

You can learn more about it here, but basically it is... more

For todays photographer, post-processing is a critical element of image making. Sure, when you first get started with digital photography, you might shoot in JPG mode and allow the camera to make decisions about things like color and contrast. But when youre ready to take control of your images, its time to shoot in RAW format and make the important decisions about how you want your... more

Do you dream of traveling the world and taking photos of wildlife all over the globe? And does it sometimes get you down if you cant do it? Egyptian photographer Amr Elshamy has the same dream, but he turns it into a reality – without leaving his studio. He creates “wildlife and underwater photography” using […]

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Prisms have started to become quite a popular photography accessory in the last couple of years. Their very nature of bending and splitting lightmakes them ideal for getting creative with your photography. Typically, though, most photographers who’ve adopted a prism as part of their kit, use the same type. Long, triangular prisms, more commonly seen […]

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