Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Abstract: You can alter your camera's white balance and gel your flash to "correct" nearly any ambient light color shift. But should you?Read more

Cameras and lenses in fact, anything to do with gear often spark heated debates amongst photographers. People love to discuss which lenses you should buy or use in certain situations. So I thought it would be interesting to look at a few common scenarios and ask what lenses you might want to use in each of them.

This article presents a slightly different perspective on the debate as the answers are led by... more

Adobe has been experimenting with new features and algorithms lately. They have recently tested a solution that applies the style of one photo to the other. But this new feature could be groundbreaking for all the selfie lovers out there. In their latest video, they offered a preview of the future of selfie photography using […]

The post Adobe might turn selfies into... more

Water droplets give you plenty of methods for being creative in photography. There are many interesting images where drops of water (or sometimes glycerin) are subjects, or a means for creating unique photos. Photographer Mithun Das shared with us a creative photo he took through a droplet. It shows a silhouette of a couple hugging […]

The post How this photographer... more

Everyone is a photographer, and that includes celebrities. But some celebrities take their photography more seriously than others, investing both significant time and money into developing their craft. Heres a small sampling. Jeff Bridges The Dude photographs! Jeff Bridges is well-known for his on-set photography using a Widelux camera. The panoramic images have become somewhat […]

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I find it coolto see the things people try with their drones. What they’re doing to try and come up with something a little different. Drones have become so commonplace now that many of the videos I see look much like all the rest. This short from filmmaker Marin Kafedjiiski, though, looks very different. At […]

The post This short film makes a parkour race looks like... more

Who does not love a crisp, deep black background for a portrait?You can achieve this with the application of just two ideas, and just a little post-processing too.

We are talking about a couple of techy things in hopefully, a non-techy way. These two ideas will give you tips for how to make black backgrounds for your portraits.

No calculations necessary

As an erstwhile teacher of Mathematics, I should not apologize for numbers, should I? There is quite a lot of Mathematics... more

I think it’s fair to say that most photographers will at some point in their career have to work with models at least once. Whether you’re a still life shooter that photographs models’ hands holding a fork full of food a couple of times a year or an e-commerce shooter that works with models every […]

The post This is what photographers need to know about the... more

Theres a very succinct analogy by Marshall McLuhan, summing up our societys focus on the past: We look at the present through a rear-view mirror. We march backwards into the future. McLuhan was referring to technology, but his observation works just as well in the context of modern-day photography: Even as technology reshapes it, we […]

The post How our... more

In today’s modern photography there can be a stigma that almost everything seen in magazines, online or in editorial publication has been photoshopped to make the models look slimmer, softer and more shapely. What if with a few simple “in camera” steps you could minimize the amount of work that needs to be done in […]

The post Using natural light to... more
