Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The Panasonic GH5 has an internal waveform and vectorscope, zebras, and you can check focus with focus peaking. Despite all this, it still makes sense to have an external monitor tacked on. Sareesh Sudhakaran from Wolfcrow suggests ten possible reasons why you still may need to use the external monitor when shooting with the GH5, […]

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Lighting yourself up for self portraits can be a lot of fun. You get to experiment, try different things, and if it looks silly, nobody ever has to see it. Or, perhaps looking silly is the whole point, in which case you should probably put it on Facebook. But trying to recreate certain looks and […]

The post 10 different ways to light yourself and the moods they create appeared first... more

This article might raise a few eyebrows. I am just wondering: do we need the spectacularization of pain? Film production company Duck Rabbit just published an article on their blog criticizing Magnum Photo and Lens Culture for advertising a photo contest using an image of an underage sex worker having sex with a client. She […]

The post Misery Is Photogenic appeared first on... more

So youve got the knowledge and skill, you know your gear and the direction in which you want to go with your photography. Now its time to attract clients. You will inevitably do some shoots you wont be too excited about, and thats okay. But you should make an effort to attract clients you really […]

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The advances in drone automation over the last few years have opened up all sorts of doors. Pre-planned flight paths, GPS locks, and waypoints offer the closest thing to aerial motion control we’ve seen. We can run near identical flights over and over. It’s provided a host of new opportunities for filmmakers. Especially those who […]

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In this article you will get some solid tips for planning and executing a sunset portrait session. Learn how to take the images that you and your subjects will love.

Plan ahead for a successful sunset portrait

Many photographers feel overwhelmed when they start photographing portraits, professionally or for fun.

Where should I shoot? How should I pose people? What lens should I use? What settings should I be using? When should I move them to/from a great spot? What should I... more

It feels a little odd to see that Autodesk are actually selling something for a change. Normally they seem to be acquiring companies and software like Monopoly property. And PIXLR isn’t really much of an exception to that. Autodesk acquired the popular photo editing appin 2011. Now, six years later, they’re selling it on to […]

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For all those who want to start a food vlog, shoot food commercials or stock videos, this is a real treat. Filmora has released a series of videos to teach you everything about shooting cooking videos. From lighting to shooting tricks and different types of editing this series provides it all. Everything is explained […]

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Ink floating in water is one of the most hypnotizing things to watch. Its a favorite subject of many photographers and videographers, and guys from Macro Room have raised it to a new level. They have created a video using a fish tank with water, some ink and a couple of objects. And they did […]

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I was on my stomach in the grassy tundra of the coastal plain of Alaskas Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. In front of me, some 10 meters away, a Pomerine Jaeger sat relaxed on the tundra. 50 meters beyond it, a small band of caribou, some 20 animals, grazed slowly across the landscape. The light was hot and bright, not ideal, but there was a story to be told here. The bird had flown in with the herd, as did two or three other Jaegers which still cruised about over the caribou. They were not... more
