Photography Blogs & Tutorials

As a writer for Digital Photography School, one of the most frequently asked questions I receive from beginner and intermediate photographers is, “If I have to choose just ONE lens to buy right now, which one should I choose?” We’ve previously discussed the differences between a 24mm lens and a 50mm lens for photographing people, and in that same vein, it’s... more

No matter if you only have a point and shoot camera or three tons of gear you need something to carry it in, right? Chris from The Camera Store TV guides you through eleven different ways of carrying your photographic gear. From free manufacturers camera strap to pricey stylish bags, youll see all sorts […]

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The orange and teal look is quite a popular style of color grading, both in movies and photography. In this video, Denny Tang will show you how to create this look using only two adjustment layers in Photoshop. Those of you who are annoyed by the popularity of the orange and teal, this video is […]

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There are timelapse videos you just cant stop watching. Filmmaker Jamie Scott has created one of these, and its named simply Spring. It features all kinds of blooming flowers, in most amazing transitions and even accompanying the music. Regardless of the fact I really love flowers and spring, I believe even those of you who […]

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We have heard quite a bit about the Godox AD600 and just had to take it for a test. We accompanied photographer Tom Saimonin a sports apparelshoot to see how the strobe performs in a harsh outdoors environment. Overall, we were very impressed, both with performance and especiallyperformance compared to price point. More sports photos […]

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Previews are an essential part of the Lightroom workflow. But with so many different types of Lightroom previews, its easy to get confused. For example, do you know the difference between minimal, standard and 1:1 previews? Or what a Smart Preview does? Or why 1:1 previews are useless in the Develop module?

The differences are more than academic. The way you use previews makes a big difference to Lightrooms speed and efficiency. If you want Lightroom to run at optimal speed, you need... more

Recently, we published an article on overpowering the sun and shooting portraits in bright sunlight. But this time, were going to a completely different extreme. After daylight comes the dark, and Francisco Joel Hernandez will help you take portraits at night using off camera flash. If youre new to this kind of portraits, youll find […]

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Women made a huge impact on the photography industry, and we want to celebrate that. It’s not only the mere taking of a photo and creating an emotional connection. I mean at first look, you see a documentation of a moment frozen in time. In a second look, you may dive deeper and open a […]

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We are all witnesses to vast technology advancement, and its fun to watch how it can be used for art. Artist Damien Henry seems to think so as well, so he wanted to see what happens when he uses machine learning to create a video from a single image. He used a prediction algorithm […]

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Irresponsible and incautious use of drones can cause many harms and problems. From crashing it into a building, to smashing someones head (or your own) with it, drones are definitely far from useful and fun if youre not careful. This time, some genius flew a drone near the cycling race. The drone smashed into a […]

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