Photography Blogs & Tutorials

As if finding amazing moments wasnt hard enough, you also have to capture them in the blink of an eye. Especially in the beginning, that can be very frustrating! Once you shift from finding moments topredicting moments, it gets much easier. This has3 major advantagesfor you: 1) More time to compose the shot 2) More […]

The post How to predict moments in street photography before they... more

The reason Im a big fan of experimenting with different shutter speeds is that the opportunities seem endless. By only using a fast shutter speed youll limit your photography and miss out on so many great images. In my opinion, shutter speed is the setting which allows you to be the most creative and to capture unique and visually interesting images.

By changing the shutter speed only slightly (lets say from 1/120th of a second to 1/60th) the image can look completely different and... more

In this video from Phil Steele he discusses the debate over whether or not you should use clear or UV filters on your lenses. It’s a highly heated topic, and Phil makes some very good points. See what he has to say, and then tell us your opinion.

What are your thoughts?

Please fill in this quick poll and tell us if you use UV filters on your lenses or not. Add your comments in the discussion area below – we want to hear from you.

Note: There is a poll embedded... more

Antonio Pantoja is a multi-award winning photographer and filmmaker located in Louisville, KY with a passion for horror. Despite not going to film school and only boasting an 8th-grade education, Pantoja has garnered over 50 awards for his efforts over the last 3 years. Pantoja says that he got into horror at the ripe age […]

The post Photographer shows how beautiful horror can be... more

Clark Terry was one of the world’s best jazz trumpet players and educators (I guess he could DO as well as TEACH… who knew). He is also well known for stating the artists creative cycle in three short words: Imitate, Assimilate, Innovate. He was speaking toward musicians, but I am a strong believer that it […]

The post A three step method for improving like a boss... more

One of my goals for 2017 was to get back to taking photos for no one but myself. I have been so focused on my own work that I forgot what its like to just take photos for the sake of it and have the luxury of not shooting to a brief or a deadline. […]

The post The Fujifilm X100F – how does it deliver as an everyday camera for professionals appeared first on... more


Minimalism is one of those movements that some people see as a recent fad or newfangled things, like fidget spinners or man buns. In reality, minimalism is a true case of making what was once old new again, and unlike the aforementioned man bun, thats a good thing.

In photography, minimalism is an obvious visual statement; the story of the photograph is simplified, elements are reduced, and clean space is added. Not only has minimalist photography become its own genre (you... more

The worst part about taking photos of monuments and city streets is that you always get cars and people blocking the architecture behind them. It can be very distractive, and they take away from the real subject. In this Photoshop tutorial, you will learn a technique that will allow you to quickly remove people and cars from your photos. You do need to plan ahead and take multiple photos, but the results will be amazing!

Photoshop has this little-known feature that has been... more

I decided to write this, because the topic seems to be pretty popular these days. People ask “What camera?” and sadly, the answers are boiling down to “Get this one, because I use it and what’s good for me is definitely gonna be good for you”, which, I think we can agree, is bullshit. Disclaimer: […]

The post The noobies guide to choosing a medium... more

Now and again its good to go back and look through your old images. One of my most popular images is one called Warriors come out to play. My techniques and style have changed in the following years after this, but I always get people asking for a breakdown, so here it is. Here is […]

The post How I created a post apocalyptic female warrior appeared first on... more
