Photography Blogs & Tutorials

If you have ever tried to make a decision between a PC and a Mac, Im sure youve heard the suggestions from the users of either one or the other. Photographer Manny Ortiz is a user of both, and in his latest video, he gives five reasons why he opted for a PC after all. […]

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Thanks to Google Street View, we can see many corners of the world we may never even visit. Some artists even use it to create photos of remote places from their own home. Now, Google itself finds a way to produce professional-looking photos from their Street View shots. They have created Creatism, a deep-learning system […]

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One of the most challenging and misunderstood elements in posinghands and how to use them correctly. Hands are so important in an image because they can say so much. They can convey masculinity, femininity, strength, softness and between couples, they can show love and affection.

So the big question is what can we do with hands? How can we make them look elegant and soft? Where should they be placed to convey the most realistic emotion and feeling? Here are a few helpful tips... more

If you own a drone, there will be situations and areas when you wont be able to fly it and get aerial shots. In such situations, theres a great solution how to fake aerial shots using your phone. Photographer and filmmaker Chung Dha demonstrates the build for faking aerial shots in his video, along with […]

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Ive heard from many people that they highly prefer color movies over black and white ones. Still, many of them take them for granted (myself included). Most of us often dont think about the color movies and how much theyve evolved since they first appeared. Change Before Going Productions show us the evolution of color […]

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Softboxes are wonderful tools for product photography. They allow you to get nice soft shadows, and beautiful edge highlights to make your product shine. But if don’t own them already, and all you plan to shoot are a few photos for eBay, it can get expensive. There’s light stands, flashes, the softboxes themselves, possibly reflectors […]

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Puppet Warp is a useful Photoshop tool that lets you distort the image by dragging points. You can use it for shaping hair, changing the shape of objects, and even repositioning body parts in an image. Jesus Ramirez from Photoshop Training Channel shows you how to master this tool and all it has to offer […]

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On the afternoon of August 21, 2017, an event will take placein the United States that has not happened in almost 100 years. A total solar eclipse will be visible for a huge swath of the mainland population. While total solar eclipses aren’t an entirely uncommon phenomenon, it is highly irregular for one to be seen by such a large portion of the country and it won’t happen again anytime soon.

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When a new film photographer asks the community which films are the best, all voices tend to agree on Porta, Tri-X, and HP5 but are these the most favourite? In this article, we are going to look at the top 10 films photographers prefer. If you’ve been following the blog for a while now, you’ve […]

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For anybody who’s seen the movie, Logan, there’s one scene that sticks out. If you haven’t seen the movie, then you may not want to keep reading (unless you’re not interested in seeing it but want to know the effect anyway). The scene is set in a Vegas hotel. Charles kinda loses it and Logan, […]

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