Photography Blogs & Tutorials

I assume most of us will have a hard time forgetting Richard Prince making a fortune from selling other peoples Instagram screenshots. Photographer Donald Graham decided to file a lawsuit when Prince ripped off his image without permission. Despite Princes attempts to get the court throw out the lawsuit the case goes on. Last […]

The post Federal judge refuses to dismiss the... more

Rde have been teasing us with this one since January, but now it’s finally here. The Rde VideoMic Pro+. It offers some pretty significant upgrades over the original Rde VideoMic Pro, such as a Lithium Ion Battery with up to 100 hours operating time, automatically power on and off with your camera, locking connector cables, […]

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The successor of Nikon D800 and D810 has been rumored for a while. Now, Nikon officially announces the D850. Or better to say, the development of the D850. On their 100th anniversary, the company launched a teaser video for the newest camera model. The announcement is pretty vague this time. Instead of learning the full […]

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Out of the box, drones, like most cameras, aren’t set up for shooting epic cinematic footage. No matter how silky smooth your movements, or the thought that goes into the composition, bad settings can ruin your shot. The camera has to be set up right, both from an exposure standpoint, and filters you may choose […]

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Weve recently learned that you can edit videos in Lightroom, at least as the first aid. Nathaniel Dodson of Tutvid demonstrates another unconventional use of Lightroom – colorizing black and white images. He turns a black and white photo into color using only Adjustment Brush and the adjustments within this tool. So if Lightroom is […]

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Interest in food photography is on the rise thanks to platforms like Instagram and the ability to snap a quick photo of every meal thanks to smartphones. If you’re seeking to one-up your food photography game, you may not need much to make an impact. Keep the camera you have and don’t add any gear to your toolbox. Instead,adjust your perspective and add simple elements to make your dish more natural-looking.

Here are six tips for different food photography angles that you... more

One of the great things about Photoshop is that you can do almost everything in a variety of different ways. Blake Rudis of f64 Academy shows you how to enhance landscape photos using the Selective Color adjustment layer. Frankly, I dont know many people who enhance photos this way (including myself). So, I found this […]

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Many artists use Instagram to promote their work and even book sessions. However, there are probably even more teenagers who use this social network for presenting themselves the fake version of themselves. Anti-bullying organization Ditch the Label has explored the connection between social networks and bullying. In their Annual Bullying Survey 2017, they concluded […]

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They say the lines on a person’s face can tell a thousand stories. Getting the photo that tells those many stories is the holy grail of photography. So what can you do to create standout people photography, especially if you don’t already know the person?

The approach that every people photographer takes is different, but below are five questions that all most will have asked themselves. Each photographer may answer the questions differently and yet still produce amazing... more

A part of my childhood just died. Microsoft Paint was never the pinnacle of photo editing software. But there was a time when it was the most popular image application out there (because it’s all that most of us had access to). It’s the first form of painting or editing application many of us experienced […]

The post R.I.P. Microsoft Paint, 1985-2017 appeared first on... more
