Photography Blogs & Tutorials

One of the most powerful new filters in Luminar 2018 is the RAW Develop Filter. RAW files, straight out of the camera, appear flat and boring, but with capable RAW conversion software like Luminar 2018, you can transform the RAW data into a detailed and vibrant photograph.

Luminar 2018s RAW handling has seen significant improvements over previous versions. It performs faster and the tools in the RAW Develop Filter reveal... more

Artificial intelligence is developing fast and has many possible applications. However, it makes mistakes, and this has proven to be a problem forLondons Metropolitan Police. They use AI to detect incriminating images on seized electronic devices. But, its unreliable when it comes to nudity, as it still cant tell the difference between a nude photo […]

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For the Leica shooter in your life who has everything, what do you get them this Christmas? A red Leica M, of course. Although, you’ll be paying about an extra $1,400 for that paint job. The normally $5,595 Leica M will cost you close to $7,000 in its fancy red uniform. But you’d better hurry, […]

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Have you ever said This is nothing like what I saw! when looking at the images you took of a trip?

TravelPhotographer of the Year (and dPS Book Author) Mitchell Kanashkevich has created an amazingBehind the Scenes photography coursethats a blueprint for creating power photographs.

Its all about helping you to capture the magic of the experiences you have when travelling and come home with images that... more

In 2014, photographer Lawrence Schwartzwald sent 49 prints to German publisher Steidl, hoping to publish them as a book. When he requested to get his prints back, it turned out that the publisher had lost them. After an extensive litigation, the German court has now ordered Steidl to pay Schwartzwald almost $77,000 in damages. As […]

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As part of the brand’s 100th Anniversary celebration, Nikon have established The Nikon Storytellers Scholarship. It is designed to help support the next generation of visual content creators. To kick things off, Nikon are offering $10,000 scholarships to 10 lucky students in the USA or Canada. The scholarship is open to undergraduate and graduate students […]

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The Italian city of Florence is known as the birthplace of the Renaissance and the Italian language. Even in the 21st century, this city manages to preserve the spirit of ancient Italy.Kirill Neiezhmakovis known for his creative timelapse, and this time, he dedicated one to the beautiful cityof Florence. He shows you the city and […]

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I have to admit that the sun is one of those things in life that intrigues and fascinates me. When I was a kid I remember laying on the floor looking at the sky, watching the sun changing its position during the day and casting different types of shadows and reflections.

Natural light is the term we use in photography to refer the light of the sun. This, as opposed to artificial light that is usually created by the transformation of electricity into light through the use of light bulbs... more

On December 16, 2017, Calgary-based business The Camera Store had $35,000 worth of gear stolen from their store. The thieves took high-end gear, including a Leica MP Safari kit, a Hasselblad X1D camera, and three lenses. They are offering a $5,000 reward for any information that leads to a conviction. Please Share! The Camera Store […]

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Well, ’tis the season. Although some of us might be living in a winter wonderland, that’s not all of us. So, perhaps our videos need a little artificial assistance to give them some of that “Christmas spirit”. Well, this short video from Adobe shows us how we can add foreground and background snow to our […]

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