Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Its been another huge dPS mid year sale and we hope youve enjoyed it as much as we have sharing it with you.

Over 7 days, 7 amazing photography deals were released, 24 hours at a time.

But did you miss a deal youd love to have?

Well, wed like to give you one last chance before theyre gone for good (its about helping you with your photography,... more

Filters are magic, and I am not talking about those buttons that punch on Instaram, I am talking real glass circles that you mount on top of a lens. The folks at zippi, came up with a fun cheat sheet that explains what each one does and when is the best time to use it. [...]

The post Cheat Sheet: 11 Filter Types, What They Do And When To Use Each One appeared... more

Victoria Police asked their 290,000 Facebook fans to help them locate a person named Daniel Damon, who is wanted for traffic and drug matters. The warrant was issued after Damon failed to answer bail and the police had hoped social media users would come to the rescue. Among the many responses was one they werent [...]

The post ... more

Usually we share timelapses of the most beautiful places on earth, resolution goes up to 8K, and sound design is spectacular. This next movie however, was not shoton earth, sound is crap and resolution looks like something from the 80’s. This 8 minutes timelapse documents NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover – Opportunity traveling 42.2 kilometers (a [...]

The post... more

DIYP readerMaor Cohen ofKaveret sent us this sweet tip about using suction pads for securing light stands. It has some huge benefits over carryingseveral kilos per stand in sand bags. Of course they are easier to carry, not as messy, and provide more security. The idea is kinda self explanatory from the photo, but Maor [...]

The post Using Suction Pads To Secure Lightstands appeared... more

There’s a line in Return of the Jedi that has always struck me as particularly insightful, especially considering its inclusion in a movie filled with a two-ton slug-shaped bounty hunter and a planet full of fighting teddy bears. In a conversation with his former mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi, newly-minted Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker asks his sensei if Darth Vader is indeed his father. When Obi-Wan confirms the awful truth, Luke asks why his teacher had formerly lied to him, telling him instead... more

The Clintons have a history of secrecythat goes back long before they ever made it to the White House the first time around. So it’s of little surprise when Hillary gets a little testy with the media on the campaign trail. But, this isn’t a political rant written by a libertarian-anarchist who loathes all politicians [...]

The post Clinton Campaign... more

The last couple of weeks, the matter of photo contracts once again has been debated. First came Jason Sheldons blog post, calling Taylor Swift out on her hypocrisy when attacking Apple for demanding musicians give away their music for free while doing the exact same thing to concert photographers in her photo contracts. If youre [...]

The post... more

This image, titled “Star Gazers”, won Grand Prizes at the 2015 Shoot the Hills photo competition.Held in the Hocking Hills regionnear Logan, Ohio,this competition takes place the 3rd weekendevery April.160 photographers fromseveral states participated this year.

Iinitially came up with the idea for this shot over a year earlier, but my first attempt at the image failed miserably. (see below)

Whatmistakes didI make?

If I had checked... more

Wow, were already up to our final offer of the sale — how the week has flown!

Youre going to love this lucky last deal, its BIG

Our best-selling Portraits ebooks by the amazing Gina Milicia only $7 each!

Covering all aspects of portrait photography, the ebooks on offer are:

  • Portraits: Making the Shot
  • Portraits:... more
