Photography Blogs & Tutorials

If you are a sci-fi geeklike me there is a good chance you’ve read Ready Player One. I read it a while back, and while I really loved the general idea, I think that the plot was lacking. This is why I was very excited to hear they are making a movie. Maybe they’ll correct […]

The post Ready Player One poster ridiculed for bad Photoshop, turns out to... more

I live in London and it’s a pretty big city with an array of location choices when it comes to portrait photography. There are beautiful parks, many are vast and rolling, dotted around the city; you almost feel like the country is never more than an hour away. There are canals and rivers with boats and ships within easy reach. There are hilltops offering astounding views of the rising skyline and various parts of the city. And of course, there’s architecture that’s so... more

Fondly known as the walk around lens by professionals and hobbyists alike, the 24-70mm lens is the staple of any photography kit! A lens that offers diversity and functionality, its range makes the 24-70mm lens a remarkable companion for a vast array of photo shoots. From wide captures to close-up portraits, and everything in between, this lens is one that many photographersjumpfor immediately.

Camera brands such as... more

We’re at day 5 of our dPS 12 Days of Christmas and today we have one that we know many of you who use Lightroom will LOVE. It’s 62% off any of our Lightroom Presets bundles!

If you have ever looked at other people’s beautiful images and have wondered, “Why don’t mine look like that?” Then you’ll find todays deals perfect for you.

These beautiful presets have... more

Next in our ongoingPhotographer Spotlightseries is Nick Bondarev. Nick is a Russian travel and northern culture photographer, film maker and writer. He’s also the owner of Northern Winds, a travel company that offers boutique tours of Iceland, Mongolia and Russia. Q&A With Nick Bondarev – Northern Culture and Travel Photographer What is your specialty? What […]

The post... more

I live in a country where the climate is described as temperate. This is just another euphemism for not so great weather! Typically, the seasons sort of merge together and the annual rainfall can dampen anyones spirits, pun intended.

It was when living in Paris, France for a couple of years that I truly understood the real meaning of the four seasons. Spring in Paris is actually spring – chilly but with clear blue skies and sunshine. And in summer, my favorite season, it is... more

Sharpening is one of those parts of digital photography on which everybody has their own opinion. How much, when in the process to do it, using what method, selective vs global, and even whether to apply sharpening at all. Whichever method you choose (or don’t), it’s always good to know multiple methods. When your chosen […]

The post Selectively... more

It’s that time of the year again – New Year’s resolutions! In this article I am going to take a look back at the photography business goals I set for myself last year, and re-calibrate my resolutions for 2018. Everyone has different goals and business targets so I hope you’ll leave a comment and share […]

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Do you struggle to know what to do with your images in post-processing? Do you know where to start with photo editing? Can you relate to this?

Before and after photo editing.

I recently received a message for help from another photographer, I’m so frustrated with Photoshop. I don’t know what to do or where to even start!?!? So I asked, What’s the plan? What are you trying to achieve? His reply, I’m not sure.

The uncomfortable... more

Created from 105 individual exposures taken over many hours, “New York Transitions I” captures the dawn of a new day in New York City. I wanted to portray the magic of the skyline at both nighttime and daytime in a single image so I planned to create a VAST photo that transitioned from night to […]

The post How I stitched 105 exposures to... more
