Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Google hates messing around with its search engine, stating the companys involvement should be limited to ensuring the relevance of the results, it usually removes search results only once legally forced to do so. In an uncommon move, however, Google has taken initiative in this matter announcing that it will remove photos of revenge porn [...]

The post Google to Fight... more

How many photos do you have from a recent holiday, that you just havent had time to organize? Or, have you come back from a dream vacation and your photos just dont seem to match up with your memories? You are not alone, as this is an all too common issue, and both of these questions have their roots in a simple and easy to fix problem.

Take fewer photos, not more!

I mean this literally, but also figuratively. Yes, overall take fewer photos. But, in reality this is a lesson in... more

An excerpt from a new short story Im working on: They say its impossible to feel the Earths rotation, but standing in the meadow, the last rays of the setting sun warming my face, I feel it. I glance at my clients, sitting on the orange couch (because Victorian red velvet is so yesterday)and I [...]

The post Available Light Photographer Scared by Darkness: a short story... more

[Editor’s note: Taylor Swift letter to Apple saying that it is unfair for artists to go unpaid, seems to have made make Apple takea (somewhat limited) U turn and Apple’s swiftly responded (no pun intended) with apromise to compensate artists.] Dear Taylor Swift, I have read your open letter to Apple where you give your [...]

The post An Open Response To Taylor Swifts... more

All photographers want to be smarter when it comes to lighting. Some have a natural eye for what’s right, while others may have to work a little harder it, but no one gets better at it without practice. What better way to practice than one lighting lesson at a time? This quick and easy video [...]

The post Want To Amp Up Your Lighting Game?... more

Photographer Jay Trinidad was on his way home when he came across a man wearing a red armband, proudly displaying the Nazi swastika at Seattles downtown ferry dock. His initial reaction was to walk away from the situation, but he decided to return and capture the image that has people wondering whats wrong with our [...]

The post ... more

With the increasing presence of quality Smartphone cameras and affordable, pro-grade compact digital cameras, there are more people than ever who have the power of taking photos. But how many peopleare aware of the legal constraints that come with being a photographer, even on a hobby or amateur basis? Perhaps more importantly, how many of us know when it’s legally okay, or not okay, for someone to snap a photo of ourselves?

The answers to these questions are important for... more

The International Space Station is a joint venture run by NASA, the European Space Agency and the equivalent agencies from Russia, Japan and Canada. I dont know about the other agencies, but NASA and ESA do an excellent job releasing their outlandish footage to the public, and some of the public puts the footage to [...]

The post Amazing 4K Time Lapse Created Using... more

My client Mark Victor Hansen has sold over 500 million books, more than almost anyone in history for non-fiction. While preparing to go on stage one day giving a motivational program with the legendary Tony Robbins, he asked Tony, Tony..How come you make so much more money than me? Tony Robbins then asked the question, [...]

The post 15 Statements Poor... more

If you are interested in going out and getting some high quality landscape photographs, heres a comprehensive list of items you will either want to consider, or must have, in order to increase your chances of getting some keepers:

#1 – The Internet

Whenever I start to plan a photo shoot to a particular location, I usually begin by googling the area. If its a relatively well-known location, you will probably find some very interesting, and comprehensive, websites made by... more
