Photography Blogs & Tutorials

I recently bought a new pair of shoes and before I use them and get them all dirty (as I always do in two seconds), I wanted to play around with them fora bit. Here is a step by step tutorial on how I made the shoeslooks so fine. I tried to shoot themas straight [...]

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For those who follow trends you’ll know there is a move to “metallic” hair colors for both men and women, and this is especially evident in fashion photography.

From this, to this in 3 steps using Photoshop

Whether you want to add extra pizzazz to a fashion shot, jazz up a promotional photo without having your models spend hours (and probably big bucks) at the salon, or to simply see what you’d look like with a different or metallic... more

So frequently within society, whether by conscious decisionor not, we tend to look uponwounded veterans with pity, if for no other reason than to satiate our on insecurities. But many of them simply want to retain their dignity and show the world that they are still powerful, viable humans beings and that not even the [...]

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To have a strong shadow you must have a hard light source, one that is small and harsh. That includes:

  • Direct sunlight
  • A spotlight
  • A bright flashlight
  • Streetlights

Have a look on an overcast day – you cannot see your own shadow.

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I’m an impatient person. I’m also very singularly-minded, so when I get an idea in my head, everything else gets put on hold while I’m pursuing it (and, often making a mess in the process). I needed some artificial ice cubes for a few personal photo projects, but I didn’t want to have to buy [...]

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In the photography world, we’re pretty familiar with 52-week projects, although some of us have yet to ever start or complete one. Beamused Magazinewanted to encourage all artists to take up a 52-week challenge called an “endless book.” The premise is that artists create one page of their “book” per week, constructing them in such [...]

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I am a huge proponent of the open source platform. Sure, there are two sides to the open source vs. proprietary argument, but it’s still too early in the week to be arguing something that heavy. There are numerous reasons to use open source software for photo editing. Perhaps you prefer the Linux operating system, [...]

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Light and shadow are key in photography. You cannot have one without the other, and how light is used in the image set the tone and mood of it. Images with high contrast, and strong shadows can be very dramatic.

Have a look and see if you agree that these shadow images have a certain mystique about them.

I’ll start off with a few of my own images taken on a “shadows” themed photo walk a couple years ago:

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You can choose between manycamera bags – we assume that you carry your camera at all times and need a bag for it, so a camera bag is a must. The offering is huge – many sizes, colors and shapes: backpacks, belt pouches There are camera bags that say loud and clear that they contain [...]

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It was pretty exciting when Sigma announced that they are releasing theSigma 24-35mm f/2 DG HSM Art lens. While the focal change between 24mm to 35mm may seem small it equates to quite a big diffidence in field of view (73 degrees vs 54 degrees for a full frame and 53 vs 37 degrees on [...]

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